"You can't be fucking serious! Universe why do you hate me?" Sasuke questioned as danzo appeared in the field the uchiha was in. The older man glared at Sasuke. He would not get away a second time. He would take him out right here. That was a surety.
"It is time for you to meet your end Sasuke" danzo said his one eyed glare intensifying as he pulled out a gold key that would unlock his cuff.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now!? Go the fuck away i don't want to deal with you and your shit right now" Sasuke groaned his voice low.
The young Uchiha's knees were drawn up to his chest. His arms wrapped around his knees as his chin laid on them. Sasuke honestly felt sick. He felt like he was going to vomit any second. Twice in less than 24 hours he had to deal with these douchebags. Twice in less than 24 hours orochimaru had almost given him a curse mark. Danzo stood in the clearing across from him beginning to unbuckle the cuff of his sharingon filled arm. Twice in less than 24 hours his life had been threatened.
And Sasuke was over it already. It was just fucking typical at this point. Couldn't this ass give him five minutes to get the throw up out of his system. Or how about some privacy as he attempted to get the orochimaru germs off of his old curse mark spot. But Noooooo he had to die because he's an uchiha threat and blah blah blah."With you uchiha scum out of the way the village will prosper" danzo said his voice clear as one lock out of four clicked open.
"Holy shit would you get the fuck over yourself already. What did i ever do to you? Madara's mane even i wasn't that bad when i was power obsessed at least i had a reason for killing people. And like 99% of them were fucked up people who deserved to die. Hell forget me your worse than a kayuga crazy Madara! And even he had a legit reason to kill people. " Sasuke groaned in pure angry annoyance. Danzo was beginning to annoy him. Thoroughly annoy him. The mans very presence was an annoyance. sasuke just wanted to be left alone so he could curse the damn pedo snake to the deepest darkest most fiery pit of hell that existed. He wanted to do it alone and in peace. Alone so he could mourn his almost loss of virginity and whatever shreds off sanity he still possessed which was very few to begin with.
"You arrogant boy! You must be some kind of fool not to be running away right now" Danzo said as he clicked his second lock open.
"Your attacking a child that kicked your ass less than 24 hours ago. Even Naruto isn't that stupid" Sasuke commented as he crossed his legs and got into a meditative position. He didn't know why he did it but it just felt right.
"The ninja world will be better off without insolent scum like you! And after i take you down your clan is next!" Danzo spat angrily.
How dare this little brat mock him! The great and powerful lord danzo. The head of Root and future Hokage of the leaf village! But instead of an angry outburst for insulting the kids clan or some kind of retaliation the uchiha boy had simply smiled softly at him. It was not a kind smile either. It was a smile filled with annoyance. It was a you need to go fuck off before i kill you kind of smile. It sent a small chill up danzo's spine. No he couldn't back out now not when he was so close to getting this god damn thorn in his side.
"If that is truly the path you wish to take then you are more pathetic than i previously thought. And it was already a pretty low bar danzo." Sasuke said calmly as he rested his head in his hand.
"You do not have the power to defeat me alone" Danzo proclaimed through gritted teeth. The third lock unclicking.
"You have no idea just how powerful i really am" Sasuke said as a pang of pity ran through him. Danzo was truly a pitiful person. He didn't fully grasp what he was up against. It was a bit unfair but Sasuke didn't give a damn to fairness in Danzo's case. After all to Danzo he was a four year old. So fuck fairness. Also what he did to his clan and Itachi wasn't fair either. None of it was fair so Sasuke wasn't going to play fair either. Especially because he was annoyed as hell at the man.
"You have incredible speed and reflexes for a boy your age. If they were allowed to grow along with you.....the village would be targeted for the power you posses. It is time for you to die boy" danzo said the fourth lock unlocking.
Sasuke sighed and shook his head running a hand through his raven locks trying to fight off the queazy feeling in his stomach. He was disgusted, annoyed, bored and desperately craving some tomatoes. Not to mention he hadn't finished his battle against the adults! he hadn't been able to show off at all!! The jaguar was just a preview of his power and he was a bit sad that he couldn't impress his dad. Damn Orochimaru. In fact damn danzo. Sasuke was not in a good mood to say the least and it was all because of this jackass and some pedo snake. danzo wanted to fight that was for sure. But Sasuke wasn't about to do anything the shady dirtbag wanted.
Sasuke closed his eyes as he felt his mangekyou begin to form. He heard danzo begin to breath in and heard the soft quick touches of his palms including the quick rush off the mans chakra. When danzo's vacuum bullets fired they never hit. They were stopped by some kind of invisible force field.
Sasuke chuckled to himself. He loved this new trick he made up.'What is going on!?' Danzo thought panicked as the young Uchiha boy sat there unharmed as he meditated. Why was he even meditating!?
Danzo hurled a kunai at him but the tip cracked off and stopped inches in front of the boys face before dropping to the ground. 'Why can i not hit him? What jutsu is this?' Danzo asked himself as he ran towards the boy to punch him. Danzo screamed in pain as his wrist snapped backwards. His fist had been met with the invisible surface and had the same fate as his kunai. Danzo growled lowly at the boy.
"Is that all you can do? I thought you were going to kill me....." Sasuke asked head cocked to the side and mangekyou eyes slowly opening to stare at the angry man.
Danzo attempted to kick the boy with his wooden leg but that shattered to splinters. "Damnit" Danzo cursed as he fell to the ground splinters imbedding themselves into what was left off his leg.
"That was a baby swear danzo. I know you can do better than that. Your getting advice from a 4 year old. That's just pitiful danzo. It's really a waste of your talents..." Sasuke said
"You will die by my hand boy!" Danzo hissed.
"No thanks. That doesn't sound very healthy and my sensei encourages me not to do something life threatening" Sasuke replied.
"Inncolence!" Danzo growled in outrage but refrained from attacking Sasuke again.
"It's the truth" Sasuke replied leaning foreword slightly. Danzo gasped as he was pushed back by the forcefield. "I could kill you right now you know. Just one flick of my wrist, snap of my fingers or blink of my eyes and you would be dead but unfortunately i'm not going to kill you just yet lord danzo. You see i'm really trying not to have a crazed curse mark revenge inducing relapse. So luckily for you i can't kill you quite yet. And not to mention you have way to many hidden secrets....But unfortunately for you Danzo my friends have no such qualms" Sasuke said smirking.
"Prepare to die" Naruto growled appearing out of the brush hinata at his side the ninetails fiery cloak already covering him and her. The rest of the leaf legion and adults arriving soon after him.
"danzo you are so done-zo" Sasuke said as he smirked and leaned his head back against the tree he was resting against. Stalling had been so incredibly boring.
Now the real fun could start.
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨So what do you think Sasuke's jutsu is? Any guesses? Will fugaku find out Sasuke's being attacked? Will itachi beat the shit out of danzo before the leaf legion gets a chance? Will someone inform mikoto of what's going on? Find out next chapter!! Bye bye guys! Don't forget to comment!

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...