ch 70: Sasuke's slip up

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Sasuke tapped his foot impatiently as he sat across from his dad at a table. He glared and peered around his dad for the fifth time in the last five minutes. Naruto had gone with Shisui and Itachi to get some ramen and lily had gone to hang out with her cousin leilani. The other 4 year olds went anywhere but around here. This left him alone with his father. The jerks.

Fugaku sighed. "patience Sasuke. It'll be ready soon" He said. 

Sasuke scoffed. "yeah right, training ground 7 still isn't rebuilt yet" 

with that said a tense silence hung in the air. Sasuke hated silence. Silence meant bad things. so he decided to break it. 

"why do you hate Kakashi?" Sasuke asked making his father practically choke on his tea. 

"whoever told you that?" Fugaku questioned. 

Sasuke shrugged in response.

"i mean i get not liking him cause obito died but he's back it can't be because of.....that....." Sasuke trailed off feeling a bit of a headache come on. He touched his left eye for a split second. 

"i just don't like him" Fugaku answered figuring Sasuke was still too young to know the truth. To know that he caught obito and Kakashi making out when they were twelve and they were still together despite him trying to split them up. 

"whatever" Sasuke responded flipping upside down in his chair figuring that blood rushing to his head would lessen his headache. 

Suddenly Shino came rushing over to the two. 

"don't move" Shino ordered Sasuke who rolled his eyes. Of course one of shino's bugs got on him. Because why not with the way this day was going. He had to fight bee, orochimaru, scare lily, Sit with his dad, and steal a sword from Itachi. All in all today was going downhill for Sasuke. Not to mention he wasn't going to fight Naruto until the god damned final round. Maybe the others would take bribes to just lose so he and Naruto could fight. 

"got him" shino said holding up a Strange beetle. Sasuke cocked his head to the side studying it. 

"shino that isn't it?" Sasuke questioned noticing the way shino was holding it. 

"i'm afraid not. But i can tell you that it's used for medicinal purposes.However it appears to have been tampered with so it does the opposite of it's Nature and cause severe pain. Where this for an hour you'd be crawling on the floor in agony" Shino said. 

"so Orocimaru's back again. Fuck pedo really can't take his hands off me" Sasuke sighed sitting right side up again. 

"see you soon. I'll go study this and see if i can find out more"Shino said turning on his heel making Sasuke wonder how he had even known the bug was there. Although Sasuke didn't question it any further than that. Shino was a weird guy. And honestly Sasuke didn't care. 

"have fun with that" Sasuke yawned with a wave of his hand the mere prospect of studying sending him to snoozeville. Kami he's ben hanging around Naruto way too long. The dobe's Bad habits were contagious. 

"what do you mean Orochimaru is back again?" Fugaku questioned his youngest. 

Sasuke groaned. "dad i literally just killed him again in the forest again. It's not a big deal. He's just immortal until we get rid of every single curse mark he's ever placed. It's easy i did it in like an hour last time so just relax." Sasuke explained. 

"what?" His father questioned. 

Sasuke's eyes snapped open realizing what he just said. oops.

"Sasuke what do you mean in the forest?" fugaku asked. 

"dad chill he's gone" Sasuke said as he saw the look in his fathers eyes. He knew that look. He knew it all too well. 

"Sasuke we're going home" Fugaku stated grabbing his wrist and pulling him to his feet. 

"what? like hell we are!" Sasuke snapped pulling his wrist out of his fathers grip stumbling back a few steps.

"Sasuke this isn't up for a debate we're going where it's safe"FUgaku responded.

"oh what are you going to do hide me in the stupid secret meeting place? The safest place for me is with Naruto on Team 7. Besides i can take care of myself. I'm not a kid"Sasuke snapped but wanted to face palm. Sometimes he actually forgot he was in his four year old body. 

"Sasuke let's go. And how do you even know about that?" Fugaku said trying to grab his wrist again but Sasuke stepped away and glared vehemently at his father. 

"i already told you i'm not going. I'm staying here, i'm going to watch the stupid matches and then i'm going fight Naruto and kick his ass. You are not going to screw my chuunin exams up. I won't let it be ruined a third time" Sasuke glared.

"third time? Sasuke this is your first one! your four! and you will listen to me" Fugaku ordered.

"and why the hell would i do that?" Sasuke asked even though he desperately wanted to scream that he was an adult trapped in a four year old body because fate was happy with his team.

"because i'm your father" Fugaku gritted out clenching his teeth wondering if sasuke had some sort of brain damage from something. 

"news flash dad. Indra's don't listen to their fathers. In fact it's a miracle I've lasted this long" Sasuke snapped. 

A tense silence hung in the air between them. Blood was beginning to boil. Lines were being crossed. Sasuke had reached his limit. Sasuke's fists clenched in pure anger. His father didn't think he could handle himself. His father still thought he was weak. His father still saw him as the spare to Itachi. He was the pity case. Well oh no. Not today! Sasuke was done. He was stressed, pissed off, had more chakra than he knew what to do with anymore and an anger that had quickly sky rocketed past Madara's. He was done being pushed around and babied. He was done with his fathers constant judgement and disapproving looks when he thought no one was looking. But Sasuke was looking. Sasuke always saw, Sasuke always noticed and sometimes he wished that he sped up the process of the massacre so he wouldn't have to deal with his dad. OF course he never truly meant that last part. All Sasuke wanted was his father's respect and Sasuke was going to get it. The easy way or the stress relief way. Deep down Sasuke still felt like his heart had been ripped out after soo many years of hell and he knew who to take it out on.

'News flash Dad, Your about to get majorly fucked up.' Sasuke thought.


heheheheheehahahaha i am so evil! the cliffies have returned! but seriously damn Sasuke's pissed off. That was a quick change... i wonder what set him off? oh well anywho comment comment comment! And i was thinking in an addition to the prequel and seeing as it's christmas what about a sequel? Would you all enjoy a sequel where everyone found out the truth and now they watch or read the books contents to see what he kids did behind their backs? or a sequel where the adults from before they were sent back watch the contents of the book? It's your choice guys! get back to me soon and comment comment comment! i'd love ideas and or theories on whats going to happen next! who do you think the bug belongs to? Will Fugaku survive Sasuke's wrath? what will happen next even i don't know. If you people haven't noticed yet i'm winging these chapters so i hope your happy with them!  comment! comment! comment!  

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