"We can't get in his head the normal way.." Inoichi whispered to shikaku.
"Well then what do we do? How else are we going to verify the kids intel? You'd get lost in orochimaru's head and it could take years to crack danzo. The kids are only shot!" Shikaku replied pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I know but if i even try to go back in the kids head he'll fry me to death! He has something majorly pyschologically scarring that's blocking me. Strangely it felt a bit like itachi's chakra but it was to morphed to tell..... It was probably just a trace of a genjutsu that Sasuke copied with his sharingon or something. It doesn't matter now anyways. We need a way to project the kids memories for us all to see without getting us all killed. Ideas go" inoichi said with force. It had been a very long time since he had said he couldn't successfully get into a person's head. It really bruised his ego to know a four year old kicked him out. It didn't matter if the kid was a prodigy he was still 4 and that was greatly disturbing.
-Meanwhile on the other side of the room-
"Am i okay? Am i okay! I almost killed ino's dad, and you dobe! Of course i'm not okay!" Sasuke hissed.
"Not intentionally"Naruto pointed out.
"Fuck intention it's true" sasuke hissed poking Naruto in the chest to get his point across.
"What's with you and the truth ke? You've been saying that a lot lately" Sakura said resting her hand on Sasuke's shoulder worriedly.
"Have i?" Sasuke asked eyebrows drawing together.
"Like a lot. Mostly when orochimaru and danzo stuff is happening" ino said from her spot in kiba's lap.
"I don't know somethings just been nagging me.... Almost like we're forgetting something....something really really important." Sasuke responded.
"What does the important thing deal with teme?" Naruto asked head cocked to the side in confusion. He too had been getting that feeling. Something wasn't right here.
"Back in the chuunin exams orochimaru took out the sands..... Sands.... Oh shit!" Sasuke said eyes wide hand slamming over his mouth the forgotten thing finally dawning on him as he looked at shikamaru with a horrified expression.
"Yeah i can't figure out a way to get us all there and back in one night. And we can't run away our parents would worry far to much. It would be a widespread panic" shika sighed chin in his hand. He really really really missed temari. He missed her spunk and he kept checking over his shoulder expecting her to walk by as he watched the clouds. And now with danzo and orochimaru so close to being out of the way he was itching to find a way to suna. He needed temari back. His plans were always better when she helped.
"Huh?" Naruto asked confused. What was Sasuke so horrified about. It looked like he betrayed someone again.
"Naruto we forgot about Gaara" Sasuke said slowly. Naruto's eyes went wide with each word. His mouth opened slightly and his heart shattered.
"We have got to get gaara! He's suffering right now while i've been kickin it up with you! He needs his memories back! Oh shit we're idiots! Gaara's going to be so pissed at us!! I hope we make it in time to save his uncle! We gotta get there now!" Naruto told everyone frantically careful not to yell.
"Hey something else has been bugging me besides gaara...."Sasuke said tapping a beat with his foot.
"What has?" Hinata asked concerned. Poor Sasuke still almost got killed again. Why is it always sasuke who they go after? Why not herself or even naruto? She was a prodigy hyuuga heiress and naruto was the ninetails. So why go only after sasuke? It didn't make any sense...
"The sannin.... Why did they show up earlier today?"
"I don't know.... But let's go find out" naruto said as he stood up running to jiriaya.
"Hey pervy sage can i ask you something?" Naruto questioned blue eyes shining as he stared up at Jiraiya.
"Sure kid what is it?" Jiraiya asked.
"Why are you and granny here all of a sudden?" Naruto asked.
"Huh? oh crap! Tsunade we forgot to tell sensei why we were here!" Jiraiya exclaimed eyes wide.
"What no shizune did! Didn't you shizune?" Tsunade replied.
"Umm actually it may have slipped my mind with all the drama that just just happened in the past few hours."shizune said scratching her head sheepishly.
"Oh that's just great! Sensei we have to tell you something important!" Tsunade said shoving fugaku out of the way quite rudely. Fugaku scowled. Damn senju.
"What is it now tsunade?" Hiruzen asked tiredly. He was far to old for so much betrayal and drama to be going on.
"Well the kage's and their families are all coming to konoha." Tsunade said.
"What!? Why!? Do they want another war!?" Hiruzen groaned. This day could not get worse.
"No sensei it's the annual chuunin exams. Don't you remember?" Tsunade questioned.
"Is it that time of year already?" Hiruzen asked a small smile forming on his face.
"Yes and this year all the kage will be coming to watch the finals" tsunade said.
"How did you know of this before me?" Hiruzen asked.
"Tsunade ended up in bed with the mizukage after drinking to much sake...., it was pure luck that i had been researching the area myself. I admit you two put on quite a show" jiraiya said with a perverted grin.
"Glad you enjoyed it" tsunade said before punching him into a wall. Hard.
Sasuke suddenly started hyperventilating eyes wide. He clung to naruto for support. "Ke? You alright? What's up with you?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow.
Suddenly Sasuke started to jump from foot to foot his child hormones kicking in once again. "The raikage? The raikage! The raikage! Oh holy sharingon! Naruto the raikage is coming here! The raikage! King of speed with cool lightning armour raikage! Third you have got to enter us in those exams!" Sasuke said racing over to him almost tripping over his own to feet because of his glee and possible nerve damage from electrocuting himself.
"Yeah! Yeah! Sign us up! Sign us up!" Naruto exclaimed. Oh yed this was perfect! 2 no 3 no 4 jinchuriki's all in one spot! Then sasuke can memory manage them and ooh this was to perfect! Now they just had to get into those exams.... Kill danzo and orochimaru.... And wait was that it? Did they seriously expose all the threats already? Obito/ madara check. Danzo check. orochimaru check. Kabuto check? Akatsuki never gets formed because of obito check. Living uchiha clan check. What were they forgetting?oh well they'd remember later. Remembering hurt Naruto's brain.
"Boys we have to deal with danzo and orochimaru before you can get signed up okay?" Kakashi ordered even though he posed it as a question.
"Fine..." Sasuke grumbled as he eyed his sensei.
"We are getting signed up though right?" Sasuke questioned.
"I swear on my icha icha that you haven't burned yet" Kakashi said nodding. Sasuke nodded in approval of the promise.
"I've got it!" Shikaku said with a snap of his fingers.
"Care to share with the class dad?" Shikamaru asked. He was internally doing flips. Temari was coming to him! Oh this was too good. He could finally play shogi in peace!
"We use a time flower"
One question rang through all the kids minds. What the hell is a time flower?
Okay guys that was this chapter! Next one will be up in a few hours! Who needs sleep? It's so over rated. Anyways....comment comment comment! So any guesses on what the time flower is? Oh and my boruto fanfiction will be updated in a couple hours as well. Poor konohamaru.... Hehe he's about to realize he should've got to the academy on time. Anyways i love you all! Thanks so much you are all so supportive and i can't thank you all enough!

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...