Ch: 42 Sasuke's non-ninjacal hobbies

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"Nonononononononononononononononono! Skip! Fast forward! C mon you stupid flower don't show this!!" Sasuke yelled as he desperately tried to wriggle his way out of Naruto's grasp.

"Show it! Show it! Show it! That's it time flower! Keep it up!" Naruto chanted smiling.

"Naruto i'm going to kill you!! Who's idea was this!! Sweet susanoo shut the damn thing off!! Sasuke commanded glaring at the screen with all his might. He was going to kill fate. How dare the time flower show this. His....his hobbies!

(When i first heard that song i was like yup that song is soo Sasuke)

"Why are you complaining? It's not another nightmare Sasuke. You were really good!" sakura said.

"I think fathers head is doing flips" itachi whispered into Sasuke's ear.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow at him but shook off his pride. He had a reason to panic.

"What no! Sakura, Itachi you don't understand. it's going to spoil the surprise! Sasuke groaned.

"What surprise?" Kakashi asked.

"Happy early birthday idiot.... Now get off me!" Sasuke commanded getting out of Naruto's hold.

Naruto froze his blue eyes wide. "What?" He asked. Sasuke remembered his birthday?

"I am not repeating myself dobe" Sasuke glared.

"You remembered?" Naruto asked voicing his thoughts from a moment before.

"Are you serious? Naruto i would be the worlds crappiest best friend if i forgot your birthday. Besides your birthday's a history date. Kinda had to memorize that right? October 10th. Don't you dare start crying. If you do i'll amaterasu you." Sasuke warned with an eye roll.

"Best best friend ever!" Naruto screamed hugging Sasuke.

"Hn" Sasuke responded.

(When i first listened to this i thought that's what Team 7 is all about. Thats how Sasuke and Naruto think of each other)

"Aaaaw! That was soo sweet!" Sakura and ino screamed.

"You know if the ninja thing doesn't work out you could go into jewelery making with a but of free lance singing on the side.... Could probably make a fortune" Kakashi suggested.

"I like being a ninja thank you very much" Sasuke scowled.

"But your good!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Singing is not a ninja skill!" He snapped.

"C mon sasuke you've got to live in the moment!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke's hand twitched slighty. He started humming, drummed his fingers while mumbling the words naruto had just said under his breath. A spark pf creativity was in the boys eye. Thoughts, words, lyrics, flying rapidly through his head. The beginnings of a song starting to form.

"See!" Naruto said pointing at his best friend. Fugaku's mind was numb. Sasuke could sing.... Sasuke could make jewelery.....what else did his son do? Fugaku sighed giving up. Sasuke was still inpossible. Still fugaku wondered just how much money Sasuke could make..... Not that they need it or anything it would just be interesting to see. Sasuke certainly seemed to be having fun doing that.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now