"I'll kill him! I'll fucking kill you orochimaru! You godamn pedo snake uchiha molesting asshole!!! Neji let me go! He needs to die!!!!" Naruto yelled furiously nine tails chakra already covering his entire body as neji held naruto back and hinata hit his chakra points attempting to stop him from going nine tails on oreo-pedo's charred and still smoking past out self.
Kurama was just as pissed as naruto. How dare that god damn creeper pedophilitic shadow lurking slithering asshat attempt to give Sasuke a cursed seal twice in less than twenty four hours. The nine tailed fox and Naruto were both raging. Kurama had grown quite close to the uchiha and now saw him as kin. After all Sasuke was once basically a creature of hate as well. He was even border lining being nicknamed a demon for a while. So when kurama actually saw the snake start to bend over Sasuke he lost it and Naruto was actually agreeing with him for once. Both of which was never a good mix.
"Shikamaru let me go!!! Just one fucking punch! One itsy bitsy bucket of poison all over his sizzling body! He needs to pay! He needs to be tortured! He deserves to die!!" Sakura warred as shikamaru held her in his shadow possession jutsu. "Shit choji help!" Shika called as Sakura started breaking free. Choji expanded his hands and captured sakura in his fists. Soon that two was beginning to thwarted. Sakura started pushing against choji's hands even as ino argued with her mentally.
"How dare he try to break apart team 7!! " Naruto and Sakura yelled breaking free of both holds.
"Sakura! Naruto! You both need to take a deep breath calm down and step away from orochimaru! Now!" Kakashi ordered as he faced the equally pissed off and blood thirsty expressions of his two genin.
"He needs to die!" Sakura hissed as tears started gathering her eyes.
"Yes he does" Kakashi soothed.
"Then get out of our way Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto growled another tail forming.
"But would Sasuke really want you to kill him like this?" Itachi asked as Kakashi started shaking his head. No itachi that was just a losing battle. Especially when you are the evidence to that question. Kakashi thought grimly.
"Yes!" Both kids yelled still raging.
"Okay we're not saying you shouldn't kill him we're saying you should go find Sasuke before he dies!" Shika said gripping naruto's arm with a glare. This was troublesome. With Sasuke gone once again Shikamaru had to talk some sense into Naruto. He hated being the rebound stoic.
"Why should we shikamaru? The asshole has haunted Sasuke long enough! He's been watching us train and lurking in the shadows waiting to give him the god damn hickey of betrayal! He and danzo attacked him last night Damnit!!!" Naruto yelled. He knew Sasuke was probably going to kill him for saying that but he honestly couldn't help it. Naruto's eyes widened when he saw that danzo was no longer calmly seated in his chair. danzo had disappeared.
"Sasuke...." Naruto whispered anger quieting as total fear and panic started taking hold of him. The one thing worse than orochimaru was fucking danzo. The guy was a shady manipulative prick and now he was going after Sasuke again!
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shitty shit shit!!" Naruto mumbled under his breath.
"Leaf legion! Spread out! We have to find Sasuke now! Danzo's gone! Fan out! I want no corner left unchecked! Ino keep trying to get in touch with him! C mon we have to hurry! Danzo disappeared! He's in danger!" Naruto yelled as frantically broke into a run the way Sasuke had gone. A trail of fire appearing behind him as he lifted hinata up bridal style and disappeared from sight the leaf legion right on his heels.
"Hey kids wait! What do you mean he's in trouble!" Kurenai yelled as she started raising after them.
"What about danzo attacking Sasuke!? Naruto you all need to stop and explain this!" Asuma called as he ran next to kurenai.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...