"Good luck" Roselina said with a smile.
"E-excuse me?" Tenten stammered back with a blink.
"I said good luck. It feels like you could need it. Your aura's all over the place" Rose giggled.
"Right. Uh thanks" tenten said a bit weirded out.
"No problem" she replied.
"That's right my student fight with the full power of youth!" Gai screamed from the stands.
"Is that your sensei?" Rose giggled amused.
Tenten blushed completely embarassed. "Unfortunately" she sighed.
"He's a cutie and his aura's really green. It's alive with energy" rose smiled.
"Okaaay can we start the match now?" Tenten asked.
"Oh right. May we start the match?" Rose asked.
Jiraiya nodded. She would be a good looking women someday. He could picture it. He drooled slightly due to his imagination. "Begin!" He exclaimed.
Tenten jumped back but rose was already on the offensive as she cartwheeled at her. Tenten grabbed a kunai but it fell out of her hand as a pressure point in her shoulder was hit. Tenten yelped in surprise. She went to grab another with her other hand becuase her left one was now limp but her other shoulder was hit. The girl twirled around her hitting different points on her body. Tenten finally blocked a punch with her head causing rose to scrunch her nose and hold her fist before she shook it out. She glared at tenten who stuck her tongue out in response.
Tenten gave her an unimpressed look but really she was noticing something pretty big about this fight. This girl wasn't using ninjutsu or genjutsu. Tenten gasped and backflipped away from the girl. She threw punch after punch and tenten was on the run. All her steps were painful now. She'd have to have neji fix that after this match.
Rose huffed growing a bit frusterated with herself. "Cmon you can do it! I believe in you my aura filled angel! Fight with the full power of youth!!" Lee screamed.
"Huh?me?an angel?" Rose wondered outloud a blush dusting her cheeks. She turned her gaze to the contest area wondering just who had complimented her in such a way. She was baffled by it. Usually her six older sisters get all the compliments. After all she was the fuddy duddy circus freak of the litter. She couldn't even access her chirè juanjin. She was a failure to her jinsè branch. A failure born amongst prodigies. But she wasn't going to let that stop her. She would prove her sisters wrong. She would become a splendid ninja through her taijutsu skills alone!
It was quiet for a sec before lee yelled again. "Sorry tenten!"
"It's okay lee" she shouted back.
"Interesting" neji muttered as he leaned forward slightly in fascination of the girls fighting tactic. Her spins and twirls a lot like lily's style of dodging. However her punches were hitting pressure points. Weak spots that affect the human body instead of their chakra network.
"What is?" Lee asked frantically tugging on neji's arm sleeve. Was something wrong with his angel?
"Her fighting style" neji replied putting his palm to lee's face and pushing on it in an attempt to detatch his teammate.
"Oh what about it?" Lee asked as he fell to the floor with an oof.
"It appears to be a bit similar to my gentle fist. It appears to be a jinsè'd dumbed down version of it at least. Her hits aren't striking tenten's chakra points however they are hitting points. They are hitting pressure points that affect the actual body. Tenten is losing control of her limbs at the moment." Neji stated.
"How come she isn't using jutsu?" Naruto asked.
"I-I don't think she can" Neji answered as he shot a worried look at lee.
"What?" Gaara asked wondering if he misheard. Another person like shira and lee? Not to mention a female at that. This was certainly interesting. The fifth kazekage wanted to hear more.
"She can't. Rose is a jinsè from the waterfall branch. She doesn't have the ability. She just literally can't. Kinda like" Lily trailed gesturing to lee.
"But she is still insanely strong" lee butted in.
Lily nodded. "Yeah she is" she said with a smile.
Tenten was sent crashing to the ground completely paralyzed. Roselina's movements had been quick. She honestly didn't have the stamina or the heart to kep up. Besides neji had said to make it look convincing to lee so what better way than to get paralyzed.
Rose turned to jiraiya as he whistled."thats some taijutsu skill you've got there kid" Jiraiya told her.
"I do my best" she responded. She beamed as jiraiya declared her to be moving on. Tenten smiled from where she was on the ground. She guessed throwing the fight wasn't so bad.
Rose turned to tenten and gave her opponant some kick jabs in various places on her body. Tenten sighed in relief as she was able to move again. Rose offered her a hand to help her up. Tenten accepted it. "Thanks" Tenten said.
"I'm the one who should be thanking you. I know you were not fighting at your strongest. May i know why?" Rose questioned.
"I-uh. I guess i just didn't have my heart in winning today" tenten said.
Rose looked slightly skeptical but nodded. "I wish you the best of luck" rose said bowing cupping her hands together.
"You too" tenten grinned.
The two walked off the arena. Neji looked tenten over with his byakugan making sure that rose had indeed undone all the damage she had done. "Nicely done" neji whispered as tenten brought him into a hug. "Well we all have gotten to be splendid actors" tenten grinned pulling away.
"Thank you TENTEN!" Lee yelled as he grabbed on to her tears streaming from his face.
"Lee let go!" Tenten said peeling him off her.
"Sorry tenten. I am just so happy my angel is moving on to the next rounds! I do not know how i can ever repay you!" Lee said.
"How about by looking at the board. I think you'll fond it very rewarding" Sasuke commented. Lily giggled.
"What?" Lee asked and he turned to the board which had finished scrolling.
"No way" lee breathed his eyes widening.
"It would seem this is the day. Let's go lee" Neji said as he walked down the steps calmly. Lee barreled down after with tears of joy in his eyes. This was the greatest day of his second life!
The board read Neji Hyuga vs Rock Lee.
Yay! Another update! I'll update again today! I love you all and don't forget to comment!

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...