Ch 82: Return of RINnegan

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"Who the hell is attacking my clan!?" Obito snapped at Kakashi as the two dashed about saving Uchiha left and right helping with the evacuation.

"I have no idea, and from the sound of things going on in Ino's mind transmission the kids don't know either, but there's a figure up in the sky and they have a rinnegan." Kakashi informed him looking to the clouds.

"Kakashi....this is bad." Obito coughed as he inhaled some smoke.

"I know, I can feel it too. Whoever that is she's watching us." Kakashi frowned.

At the sound of clapping both men froze and tensed turning around to face Lord Orochimaru. He gazed at the two tauntingly as if he knew something that they didn't.

"You son of a bitch!" Kakashi snapped enraged his one sharingan on full display. "What have you done!? Why try to destroy the Uchiha!?"

"Destroying the Uchiha was never my intention." Orochimaru chuckled darkly as he eyed the two.

"You'll never win." Kakashi growled.

"Oh, but I've already gotten what I've came for.  You see the nursling is already marked with my cursed seal. He won't be able to resist it for long."

"Guess again." Sasuke snapped appearing behind Orochimaru in a flash of lightning using his true speed having removed his weights. Sasuke kicked Orochimaru in the face his heel connecting with the Sannins jaw.

"Impossible." Orochimaru hissed wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. "No one has a will that strong."

"Never underestimate the Uchiha." Sasuke glared.

"We need to get this sealed..." Kakashi murmured as he surveyed the curse mark on Sasuke's neck. Sasuke jerked away from him shaking his head. "No, sensei there isn't time. We have a battle to win here."

"Sasuke, Naruto will understand-"

"It's my clan, Sensei. I don't have time to waste on this damn thing. I won't go mad with power this time. I promise." Sasuke vowed.

"Alright, in that case, Obito and I can handle Orochimaru. Regroup with Naruto. You need to take out whoever's in the sky."

"Are you certain you want that, Kakashi?" Orochimaru smirked tauntingly. "The last time we fought-"

"He's not alone this time." Obito glared his fist clenching in anger.

"And what use will the black sheep of the Uchiha clan be?" Orochimaru asked.

"You're about to find out. Sasuke, you've killed him enough times. Let me have my turn." Kakashi ordered Sasuke as the Uchiha lingered nervously.

"But sensei-"

"You heard him kid. Now go, Naruto needs you. If team 7 taught me anything it's that your team is always stronger together than apart." Obito grinned.

"Just don't let him bite you or steal your eyes." Sasuke told Obito before he went dashing off to find Naruto. The idiot needed him. Sasuke jumped from rooftop to rooftop keeping his eyes transfixed upon the floating figure in the sky. He felt the pain in his left eyes return the closer he got to her position.

"This time, you're going to stay dead." Kakashi glared as he pushed up his hiate revealing his sharingan.

"Bold words coming from the man who killed his teammate."

"Go to hell." Obito glared throwing a Kunai which Orochimaru easily dodged.

"And you're no better. Hokage killer. I wonder what would young Naruto think of you if he knew you were responsible for his parents demise."

"Now I see why the leaf legion keep cutting his tongue out before they deliver the death blow." Obito complained. "So annoying."

"Let's finish him." Kakashi grit his teeth. "No more messing around."

Before the sannin knew what had hit him Obito had kamui'd Kakashi behind the snake a chidori thrust into his heart.

"This vessel is one of many. My life will not be ended here." Orochimaru coughed out blood a devious glint in his yellow eyes.

"Once every curse mark has been obliterated so will you. It's only a matter of time." Kakashi promised.

As the two men let orochimaru's now lifeless body fall to the ground they heard the genin screaming their names. Okay, so maybe most of the brats were screaming for Kakashi, but Obito was certain he could hear a few calls of his name as well. They didn't sound to be in pain, or angered, but frantic. Worry dropped in the pits of their stomachs. The jounin racing over to where the genin were all situated in a cluster. All Uchiha were now evacuated, which realistically meant the kids could be fighting this rinnegan wielder so why weren't they? The question was soon answered as the figure finally revealed themself.

"No way is that.....?" Obito trailed off the words getting stuck in his throat as he stared at the women before him. Her short brown hair blowing softly in the wind. The purple marks on her cheeks were now cracked. A symptom of the reanimation jutsu. But her eyes once a beautiful warm brown were now cold purple rinnegan.

"Rin." Kakashi breathed out.
Umm surprise..? I'm not dead. Though I bet a lot of you thought I was with how long I've been gone for. So, I guess my one question for all of you is....

Should I keep writing this story? Are you all still interested?

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt