"Of fuck no..." Obito moaned burying his face in kakashi's shoulders his face going bright red. Kakashi grinned. Oh he loved this nightmare now!
"Tobi is a good boy! He won't be alone! Tobi will stay with the child! Tobi is a good boy!" A guy in a swirly orange mask screamed snatching Sasuke from pain's hold.
"Tobi give him back" pain commanded glaring.
"No i don't think i will" Tobi said menacingly his voice deepening.
"Eeeh my voice!" Obito screamed clutching his throat.
"Can you seriously talk like that?" Naruto questioned.
"There is no way you can actually talk like that" kakashi stated.
"I can too! It just makes my throat feel weird" obito said rubbing his throat.
"I don't believe you" Kakashi said crossing his arms.
"Do you believe me now?" Obito asked voice deepening.
"Mind is blown"naruto said Sasuke making an exploding noise as sakura gestured to Kakashi's head.
"Not funny" kakashi pouted.
"Ooh we should make a head exploding jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed. Sakura and Sasuke nodded in agreement.
"Wouldn't that kill?" Shisui asked with a frown.
"Shisui dear is it possible to live without a brain?" Sakura countered.
"To does!" Sasuke chimed.
"Hey!!" Naruto yelled.
"No l! Ratoke you are not creating a head exploding jutsu" Kakashi said immediately.
"But sensei" Naruto whined. That jutsu would be so awesome!
"But nothing" kakashi said sternly. Honestly would it kill them to act their mental age for two seconds?
"Oh come on it's totally safe-ish" Sasuke shrugged.
"Sasuke if that jutsu was messed up in anyway your own head could explode" Kakashi countered.
"But-" Sasuke protested.
"No means no" Kakashi glared.
"Damnit" naruto muttered.
'What did this guy go through puberty in two seconds? What's wrong with this guy? His voice completely changed!' Sasuke thought fearfully.
"Tobi whats wrong with your voice un?" Deidara asked confused. This was strange...tobi never acted with so much anger and authority before. It was scaring him.
"My name isn't tobi you explosive fool! I am..... I uh......why are you staring at me like that?" Tobi asked his gaze falling to Sasuke.
"Your eye..... You.... You're an Uchiha!" Sasuke gasped as he gazed into the eye hole of his mask.
"Already knew that!" Obito yelled.
"Yes you are correct young-"
Tobi choked coughing blood suddenly as a chakra blade ripped straight through his chest. Sasuke fell to the ground as he was dropped. Tobi turned his head shaking slightly so he could see behind him."What!? How-who ruined my dramatic moment!!!" Obito yelled frantic. That was his spot light moment! No!
"Well there goes that clan" shika frowned.
"Shika!" Shikaku berated.
"What? It's all down to Sasuke now. A clan of one person isn't much of clan"

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...