Everyone anxiously watched as the board scrolled through the remaining names. It went around and around and around names flashing by. Finally the board creaked to a stop and fate clearly shined once again.
The screen read: Sasuke Uchiha vs Killer Bee.
"Be careful Bee. Remember last time" A warned.
"Chill out Brother of mine. I'll be completely fine!" Bee assured fist bumping his brother then jumpin in the arena.
Sasuke glared at the board. "Hey teme whats with that look?" Naruto questioned.
"Out of all the people i have to fight to get to the next round it has to be the guy that kicked my ass three ways to sunday" Sasuke sighed with a shake of his head.
"Hey You were completely exhausted. Both physically and mentally when you fought Bee last time Sasu. You weren't at your best at all. And you won that fight didn't you?" Lily questioned.
"Barely" Sasuke muttered.
"Well barely win it again! I expect you in the finals teme! No if's and or but's about it! So whatever you do. Win. I don't care how. Use Amaterasu if you have to!" Naruto said and he pushed Sasuke into the arena. Everyone gave him a thumbs up even neji and shino.
Sasuke scowled. "I hate you all!" He declared.
"Aaaw! We love you too Sasuke!" Team 7 called.
Bee took out his two swords making Sasuke's eyes widen. His eyes flicked around quickly finallylanding on his brother who was eagerly leaned forqard in his seat.
"time!"Sasuke called making a time out gesture. He ran over to the wall of the stadium and hopped over it. He sprinted up the stairs, stopping in front of his brother and he looked pointedly at Itachi. He held his hand out toward his brother and made a gimme gesture for his sword strapped to his back.
"Do you even know how to use this?" Itachi questioned as he passed his sword to his brother. He didn't let go as Sasuke grabbed it and tugged the sheathed blade.
"Itachi it won't even get a scratch!" Sasuke assured.
"Please?" Sasuke asked giving his best puppy dog eyes. He needed a sword to fight bee. There was no way around it.
"Not a scratch Sasuke and don't lose a limb. Got it?" Itachi asked.
"Yes big brother" Sasuke grinned.
"Foolish little brother" itachi said releasing his grip and poking Sasuke in the forehead.
"Okay! Now i'm ready" Sasuke stated as he strapped his sword on like he used to when he was a teen. It had been a while since he had used a sword but he knew it he'd get the hang of it again very quickly.
"Fool ya fool! My blade skills are gonna give the crowd some thrills!" Bee rapped.
"Ready now?" Jiraiya asked.
"Yes we are this will be a battle of wills prepare to get some chills. Fool ya fool!"
"Begin!" Jiraiya stated.
Swords immediately crashed together. Two swords over the one. Bee pushed down and Sasuke slid back. The uchiha glared and stood his ground.
Lightning buzzed over all three swords. Sasuke knowing that their was no way he could beat be in a battle of pure strength stopped fighting back, allowed bee to push him toward the ground and slid through bee's legs.
Sasuke smirked and twirled his sword in his hand. Bee grinned back doing the same with his two swords. They ran at each other again and swirds clashed. This time however sasuke made sure to keep light on his feet and keep moving. Bee didn't seem to mind. It looked like he was having fun.
"So i was thinking after these prelims we spar. You and Ai vs Naruto and I" Sasuke casually suggested as he jumped onto bee's two swords ran up them and kicked bee in the jaw sending him flying.
"That idea sounds sublime. After we all fight we'll have ample time" Bee rapped in response after he landed firmly on the ground.
Swords clashed again and again lightning flying throughout the air. Skin was cut and blood was drawn. It looked as if it would be a standstill. Until bee decided they had enough warm up.
" Fool ya fool you think your so cool! It worked last time! So get a load of my tailed beast mode!" Bee grinned.
"Taka save me" Sasuke muttered before he thought of an idea and smirked. Sasuke sheathed his sword and channeled his lightning chakra all over his body. Then before bee could run at him Sasuke began running around bee in a circle. After images of Sasuke appeared in a circle around bee making the jinchuuriki a bit confused not sure which was the real one because all the after images were remnants filled with the lightning chakra sasuke was giving off.
"Fool ya fool! This is not fair!" Bee rapped.
"Like i care" Sasuke responded. Then Sasuke went to faze two off his plan. He switched chakra natures going from lightning to fire. Sweat cascaded from the young boys form and Sasuke appeared to be covered in fire. Because of the spiralling air current Sasuke had produced when running around bee a vortex of fire surrounded the Jinchuuriki. The flames and smoke became so bright and dense that bee could not see Sasuke in the flames anymore. He knew he had to get out as it was beginning to be hard to breathe.
Inside the tornado bee looked up and down. There was only one way out that he could see so bee jumped for it. He was ready for Sasuke but bee eye brows furrowed when his opponant was not there. As bee hopped out of the votex the fire disappeared. Only the billowing smoke remained. When bee's feet touched the ground he realized his mistake. His eyes widened behind his glasses as hands shot up around his ankles and dragged his body underneath the ground. Bee shifted but he was in the eyes of the vortex Sasuke's tornado of lightnig and fire made the ground much stronger than normal.Sasuke popped out of the ground and shook the dirt from his hair. Sasuke was covered in a mixture of ash, dirt, some burns, and blood from where bee had gotten some shots in when they where sword fighting. Ash was smudged on Sasuke's cheek as he ran the back of his hand over it. But Sasuke didn't really care as he plopped down to sit in front of bee's head.
"So there were two way outs. Fool ya fool that was pretty cool"
"Hn" Sasuke responded.
"Sasuke uchiha moves on!" Jiraiya exclaimed.
"Yaaas! Sorry bee! But yaaaas! I'm gonna fight Sasuke in the finals!" Naruto cheered jumping up and down with glee.
"Shut up Naruto. You still have to win your match" Sasuke said with a smirk.
Naruto grinned from above.
"Leaf village head hunter jutsu. Kakashi sensei's first ever lesson to me. Always Always look underground" Sasuke advised as he helped bee out of the ground.
"Next time i'm starting with the lariot" bee smiled.
"Sasuke your a mess!" Lily giggled as she attempted to wipe the soot off of his cheek.
Sasuke shrugged in response not really caring but he smiled slightly at lily's fretting.
The gang all watched the board scroll anxiously. It went round and round. The names blurring from the speed. Everyone held their breathe wondering just who would go next.....
Guys what can i even say? I'm sorry but i feel like i've said that a thousand times. I know i've barely updated at all and i really truly am sorry for that. I was just stuck on how to go about the Sasuke vs bee fight. All summer i went back and forth on how to make it a decent fight. This was originally supposed to be up like over a month ago but i just couldn't come up with a good way to end it. I know the fight probably needed more on bee's part but i promise there will be more of that when they have their two on two battle. I have no idea who i'm going to have go next by the way so suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Comment comment comment and pls don't hate me for not updating?

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanficNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...