"Is that..?" Naruto asked leaning forward squinting his eyes head cocking to the side.
"That creepy annoying ass!" Sakura growled.
"He pops up everywhere! Cmon! Just die already!"shika complained.
"That's one plant i want to kill. Mercilessly" ino said her hands balling into fists.
"Fucking zetsu" Sasuke hissed glaring.
Killing intent was literally seeping off of the children and it was terrifying! Again! "Kids who is that?" Fugaku asked the only one brave enough to talk over the killing intent.
"Someone we all thought was deader than a doornail" Naruto sighed.
"He's never fucking ending..." Sasuke said.
Zetsu grew from the ground like a weed as he watched the three children. Zetsu laughed creepily.
"More annoying than my god damn fanwhores" Sasuke said his teeth gritted. Sasuke mentally was thinking of millions of horrific ways to kill him. Again. Maybe crushing all of him to dust wasn't enough.
"Well, zetsu what is it? You had said you found something that would interest lord orochimaru and lord danzo? I'm waiting" kabuto said pushing his glasses up.
"What the fuck!? Since when are they a thing!?" Sasuke yelled gripping his hair eyes widening.
"They knew each other!? The hell is wrong these sadistic dirtbags!!" Naruto
screamed."Boys relax...." Sakura soothed.
"No..." Shika said biting his thumb rather hard.
"Can't stop. freaking out" Naruto said gripping his blonde hair.
"Same"Sasuke said shaking slightly. This was insane! What the hell was happening!?
"Hmmm interesting indeed..." Kabuto said as he observed Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura. The camera zoned in on Sasuke's neck. In his curse mark spot. "He'll do nicely for orochimaru's plans.... Meet back here in a month or two so we can gage the children's progress." Kabuto ordered.
"Alright you don't need to be so bossy about it. See you in a month" zetsu said slinking off to Madara knows where.
"Sasuke?" Itachi asked worriedly seeing the sickly expression on his brothers face.
"Nope. Nopenopenopenope." Sasuke mumbled hand going into his bangs.
"This is so messed up!" Sasuke yelled.
"Yup" naruto agreed.
The screen started flashing rapidly scene after scene after scene basically skipping them over until it stopped suddenly. Sasuke was sleeping soundly in his bed covered in a thin sheet of sweat. He clutched dino as he slept. His blue blanket was over him and he was curled protectively over his dinosaur friend. Protecting him from whatever lurks in the night. The camera zoomed in on Sasuke and the camera rippled entering Sasuke's dream. It was night time. Sasuke was running along the road.'uhoh i'm late. I seriously shouldn't have been practicing my shuriken jutsu this long. Mom's gonna freak!' Sasuke thought to himself.
"Fuck you too fate. Fuck you too" Sasuke hissed as he turned from the dumb flower and buried his head into Naruto's shoulder.
"Ke what is it?" Naruto whispered careful that Itachi didn't hear.
"A fucking massacre loop hole To. A fucking loop hole" Sasuke hissed back.
Sakura's eyes widened and her hand flew to cover Sasuke's ears. He didn't need to go through this again. Now it was just cruel.
"Ra i'll be fine. It was just a nightmare. A really vivid horrific nightmare" Sasuke said his voice above a whisper.
'Shit' Kakashi thiught to himself gazing worriedly at Sasuke. This was not fair whatsoever. Damn you fate! Why would you want us to see this? Kakashi questioned. No answer came.
Itachi could be seen squatted on a telephone pole up above. An eery full moon was behind him. 'Huh? That's weird it's way to early for lights out' Sasuke asked himself confused. He peered up where Itachi had been but the elder Uchiha had already disappeared.
"What the hell?" Itachi whispered confused. What was this? Had that been him? Strange he had looked older by a couple years or so....
Fugaku stared at the screen in confusion. This dream looked very vivid. Too vivid for his tastes.
Sasuke neared the uchiha gatea full sprint. He paused as a chill traveled up his spine causing the young boy to shiver. Something was wrong. The street lights were all out. Along with all the shops and houses.
"Don't go in..." Naruto whispered he himself starting to tremble. Naruto remembered the first time Sasuke had showed him this. It had been for a mission. So Sasuke showed him from start to finish. No wonder he was so messed up. To see itachi go from that to that was completely horrifying.
"Oh no.... Kami please no Ke Don't. Sasuke stop...stay there. Turn around ! run away!" Sakura whispered desperately. She clung to Sasuke's arm like a life line as real tears sprang to her eyes.
"Shit.... Don't you dare.... Cmon turn around!!" Shikamaru urged desperately. He wanted to turn away. He wanted to bury his face in his dads chest or asuma's if he was around. He wanted Temari to appear suddenly wrap her arms around him and console him. Like the troublesome women she always was.
"Stay there! Please don't go in!" Ino whispered. Ino linked her and shika's fingers together fighting desperately not to make a sound and cry out. She had tears in her eyes. Usually she could fight down her emotions but this was far to much. This was a massacre.
"Where did everybody go?" Sasuke questioned turning the corner but froze upon entering. The young boys expression was pure horror and pure terror. His entire body was shaking like a leaf. "Wha-what is this!?" Sasuke asked trembling. The camera swivels and we see what Sasuke see's. Bodies line the street. Blood everywhere, all people dead, not a single soul moving. One thing was for sure................little Sasuke had just walked into a massacre.
The massacre of his entire clan.
Anyone for thirds!? Next one will be up soon! I promise! Good so far? Who's reaction do you want to see the most?should Sasuke start smashing stuff? Will fugaku go nuts and attack his first born? Tell me what you all think! In the comments! Don't forget to comment and i hope your having a wonderful Easter!

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanficNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...