Chapter 71: Sasuke's lost it

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Naruto froze mid ramen bite as kiba sprinted in frantic and sweating bullets. "what's up?' Naruto asked him his eyebrows drawing together in confusion as kiba panted trying to catch his breath. People never interrupt his ramen breaks unless it was something extremely important.

"sasuke's lost it.....he's attacking his dad" Kiba gasped out. Naruto's spoon crashed to the floor with a clang the echo rebounding off the walls of the ramen shop.

"what?" Itachi asked as Naruto abandoned his ramen nine tailed up and ran as fast as he could to the arena. 'please don't let me be too late' he thought to himself as he sprinted through the streets. Itachi quickly sprang to his feet as well as Kakashi and obito leaving shisui to foot the bill.

'out of all the times for so Sasuke to go Indra on Fugaku he chooses now? During the middle of the chuunin exams.....before he got to fight Naruto?' Kakashi shook his head quickly. No no something as wrong. Something had to have happened that they weren't there for. Sasuke wouldn't physically start a fight with his father unless he threatened to do something incredibly stupid like take Sasuke out of the exams. Fugaku wouldn't be that stupid to try and crush Sasuke's hopes like that. Although that was the only thing Kakashi could think of that would set Sasuke off besides forbading him from seeing lily. Kakashi sped up his pace realizing that yes Fugaku was that stupid because he was just as arrogant as his son. And rethinking the day Sasuke's had today Sasuke would be in just the right mood to snap.

'sasuke I have never fought father and won what are you thinking? From Kiba's panic it didn't sound like you two were having a mere sparring match so why start a fight with him?' Itachi didn't understand what was going on in Sasuke's head at the moment so he sped up hoping that he could get in between the two and stop the fight once he arrived.

-meanwhile back with Sasuke-

Sharingan stared into sharingan as Fugaku glared down at his youngest who wore a seemingly invisible confident smirk on his face. "whats the matter? I thought you were taking me home?" Sasuke questioned in a condescending manner. His smirk becoming more prominent as he whizzed around his dad with his lightning chakra. His father made a grab Sasuke moved. His father through a kunai it ended up stuck on a string of ninja wire that Sasuke was holding.

Sasuke made a few handsigns. 'how about a bit of particle style onoki taught me before he died' with that thought sasuke shrunk the wire down til it was the size of a necklace. He smirked as he held it up before throwing it to the side.

"Sasuke stop being so so" Fugaku for once in his life was struggling to find the right words to express his anger. It was something he usually never had trouble with.

"so what?" Sasuke snapped raising an eyebrow. His fist clenching. His rage growing. The once revenge filled look he possessed before the war beginning to reenter his eyes.

"so this" Fugaku gritted out.

Sasuke smile turned into a frown. His rage spiked. His eyes beginning to glare in pure hatred. "Did you seriously just tell me to stop being myself?" Sasuke questioned before he laughed and this laugh wasn't the one he now used when he was with team 7. It was the one he possesed before the war. Back when he still thought obito was madara and right after he had killed danzo at the hokage summit. It was crazed and it was wrong and Fugaku felt a chill go up his sine as he suddenly realized something was wrong with his son.

"this isn't good Kakashi sensei" Naruto said with a frown as the three arrived in time to hear Sasuke's crazed laugh. Itachi was about to run to stop them but Kakashi caught his arm.

"let go of me. What are we waiting for? We have to stop this before Sasuke gets hurt"

"don't you mean your dad?" Naruto asked as he looked off into the distance to see something no someone running toward him. It took him a minute to realize that it was Shino.

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