Sasuke stood in front of mikoto with a hopeful expression. She was glad she had taken her eldest son's advice and sat down. Itachi had explained the ordeal to her moments after they returned home after sasuke went to go play with his toys in his room.Sasuke now stood in front of Mikoto the next day almost shyly as his right arm awkwardly clutched his left. It was totally adorable and yet extremely out of character for Sasuke. Mikoto smiled down at her youngest son. She couldn't have been more glad that her son had finally found a friend. The fact that it was in Naruto Uzumaki was only a plus for the female uchiha. Mikoto Uchiha was many things, a ninja, a mother, a wife, and at one point in time was once the one and only deemed best friend to Kushina Uzumaki. Mikoto held no bigotry toward a jinchuuriki and was happy her son's didn't either. Fugaku merely hated minato not kushina much to both girls early double dating misfortune's.
"So can naruto sleep over tonight? Please!" Sasuke asked crawling into his mother's lap.
Mikoto laughed slightly at sasuke and nodded her head. "of course sasuke" she said rubbing her son's back as he hugged her tightly. Mikoto vaguely wondered what had gotten into sasuke the past two days. Her son was very touchy lately almost to the point of being clingy. You wouldn't be able to see it if not looking extremely close. It was the subtle things that he did. Like when held his brothers hand or gave his father a hug before he went to work, or they way he listened to her every command with no gripe or whine. It was almost as if he was happy for being told what to do which was certainly strange. They were little things but it was as if sasuke was using his size and age as some kind of advantage or something. Almost as if sasuke knew that if he was older it would be seriously unacceptible for him to be doing these things. Almost as if sasuke was afraid that they would burst into dust if he tore his eyes away or said the wrong thing. Mikoto knew there was something up with sasuke but she dismissed it to nerves. Her son had obviously planned to tell them about naruto at some point just not so soon. To mikoto it felt as if sasuke was a bit tense. If mikoto's thought process regarding sasuke was correct and it usually was it seemed sasuke was concerned about what his family would think of naruto. She vaguely remembered herself having the same thoughts and a partial mental breakdown as she introduced kushina to her parents. They had not been as receptive as she had just been.
"Thanks mom! Your the greatest!" Sasuke said as he let go of her. A bit reluctant to do so might i add. He slid out of his mother's lap gracefully landing on his feet before running up the stairs to his room. "What are you doing?" Itachi called curiously up the stairs. Sasuke ran out of his room to the top of the stairs and gave itachi an incredulous look. "I'm cleaning my room" sasuke said as if itachi was the four year old and he was the adult. "Without being told to?" Itachi asked skeptically while cocking his head to the side a bit. His little brother just morphed a few pieces of the puzzle that Itachi had mentally categorized as sasuke's least favorite chores. Sasuke never liked putting his toys away or making his bed. He had dubbed those actions as destroying the art of his childhood.
Sasuke crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at itachi. "I'm four. I don't have to be told to clean my room" he emphasized. "Ah" itachi said almost numbly his head ache returning as sasuke bolted back to the confines of his room. Not a second passed as sasuke suddenly raced down the stairs to stand once again in front of mikoto a silent question in his eyes. "Ramen i'm guessing" mikoto said gently. Sasuke nodded and scampered back up to his room. Sasuke didn't even need to ask the question. Minato and kushina practically fell in love over ramen and when you throw in obito to the mix well it was not to far off a guess. "Ramen?" Itachi asked with a raised eyebrow confused and clearly out of the loop concerning the taste pallet of the uzumaki clan.
"That's what's for dinner" mikoto explained walking into the kitchen with a somewhat nostalgic smile. Itachi on his part went to his room to take a nap and hopefully get rid of this intense migrane.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...