"What do you mean you won't let us out of here?" Fugaku questioned his nephew fuming.
"You need to work out your problems. Right here. Right now. For Sasuke's sake" Obito said firmly.
"Obito let me out of here. Sasuke needs-" Itachi protested.
"Sasuke needs you and your father to work things out. Sasuke knows about the coup. He has for a long time. He's not blind either. He can tell something's going on between the two of you and quite frankly it's beginning to piss me off as well" Obito said arms crossing.
"Can't we do this later? He's in trouble!" Itachi snapped.
"No. Kakashi's taking care of it. Sasuke will be fine. From the snippets I heard it was just some anger revenge inducing bug that made him go nuts. It triggers something in the brain. Heightens the anger. So where should we start?" Obito questioned them.
"Let me out of here" Fugaku ordered.
"Oh my Madara! What is with you two? Stop repeating yourselves! Stop trying to avoid the inevitable! Just talk!" Obito groaned.
"I will not talk with him!" Itachi said crossing his arms.
"There you see Obito. We do agree on something" Fugaku spat.
"Okay fine. If you two won't talk then I will. All do respect Uncle Fugaku but you need to hear this. Grow up! Forget about the coup! It won't solve anything! It'll just make things worse! Probably get the whole clan slaughtered while your at it. But if that doesn't make you see the light then maybe this will. Sasuke won't choose you. He'll choose the village. That's where his friends are. That's where his loyalty lies." Obito told him not holding back. His uncle needed a swift kick in the ass. Maybe he could convince him to change some marital laws while he was at it.
"Sasuke is four-"
"But he doesn't act like one. He grew up fast. Ever wonder why he did that? Why he felt the need to do that? Well I bet my glass eye that he did that not only to prove himself to you-"
"Prove himself? Why would Sasuke need to prove himself?" Fugaku questioned.
"Because he was sick of you seeing him as the spare Itachi. He was trying to catch up. He knew he couldn't catch up the way Itachi had trained. That took years. So he got creative with his chakra and accidentally found some other talents on the way. The "jewelry" that's all chakra control, the "songs" strategy. Stringing the right words together is a lot like applying a strategy on a battle field, hell I bet even all his friends were just training dummies at first." Obito said.
Fugaku leaned back against a pillar seemingly listening and for once contemplating Obito's words. Had Sasuke truly felt that way? Sasuke' earlier words came back to him seemingly slapping him in the face. "Did you seriously just tell me to stop being myself?" Fugaku winced as he remembered those words. What kind of Father was he? He had practically used his mangekyou on his own son....he never wanted to hurt Sasuke like that. The damage could have been irreversible. Obits had said it only increased rage. That meant Sasuke was already mad at him to start with. What a father he was....
"Okay now as for you Itachi!" Obito said as he saw that Fugaku was mulling over his words.
"Me?" Itachi questioned.
"Yes you! You've got issues too!" Obito told him.
Itachi sighed and nodded at Obito. If it got him out of here and to Sasuke he would listen.
"I'm listening" Itachi told him.
"Talk to him Itachi. Tell him your side of the story. If he knows what's going on he might open up to you more. Sasuke still looks up to you. He still sees you as untouchable. You want to learn more? You want him to trust you? Then trust him Itachi. You two are more alike than you think. Maybe he's just waiting for a sign that you want to talk to" Obito told him.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...