"Sasuke, what?" Itachi asked confused.
"Just Watch" Sasuke said attempting to concentrate. His eyes slid closed as Naruto's remained open. Sasuke's half of the arena darkened as Naruto's stayed light. As Naruto breathed in Sasuke breathed out. Both jumped from their seats on Fugaku and Obito's shoulders landing on the ground. Naruto making a loud noise when he landed Sasuke not making a single sound.
"Light and dark" Sakura began to whisper. Shisui cocked his head listening to the four year old. The other uchiha men doing the same.
"Push and pull, Ground and sky, Day and Night, Time bends to their will" Sakura whispered her emerald eyes simmering with pain as she remembered the last time they had tried to do this jutsu. They had tried to bring back their comrades so they could defeat Madara a second time. However even time can not thwart death.
Sasuke and Naruto walked in a circle. Naruto in the light and Sasuke in the dark. Their fingers in a unison sign. As they moved so did the light and shadows. Spinning like a pinwheel.
"Hey, Indra?" Naruto asked.
Sasuke smirked. "Yes, Ashura?" Sasuke questioned back.
"Let's speed this up" Naruto said.
"Oh so you think you can keep up?" Sasuke questioned as he began to run.
"Shut up bastard. I'm the son of the yellow flash." Naruto shot back.
The two ran in a circle. Sasuke's shadows began to glow a purple color. Naruto's light grew in it's intensity. Both boys stopped running. Sasuke's eyes snapped open. Their freed hands both going up to the sky. Then it happened. Time began to roll backwards. The cracks in the arena sealed themselves up. Dirt filled into the holes. Trees reappeared in the arena with luscious leaves. The ground shifted the cracks sealing themselves up as the ground came together. Once everything was fixed the jutsu stopped. The marks on both boys palms faded as if they were never there to begin with. Both boys sunk to the ground exhausted and panting.
"I forgot how much chakra that takes" Naruto panted.
"Worth it" Sasuke replied back and attempted to take his hand out of the unison sign but Naruto wasn't letting go. Sasuke sighed and let the idiot hold his hand. Only kami knows why he wanted to. Then Sasuke felt some of kurama'a chakra begin to flow into him replenishing his chakra a bit. Sasuke smirked.
"Cheater" Sasuke said.
"It's not cheating if I give you some" Naruto replied instantly.
"Says who? You've got a whole reservoir of the stuff. I'm limited." Sasuke replied.
"How did you two come up with a jutsu like that!?" Itachi managed to choke out as his head spun. Sasuke had just turned back time. Sasuke had completed yet another mind blowing feat. It was beyond incredible it was astounding.
"Time Flower" All of team 7 chorused lying through their teeth.
"You two break anything this time?" Sakura asked.
"No, did you break my cousin yet?" Sasuke asked.
"He's being a stubborn Uchiha. But don't worry. I'll get him eventually! I'm playing the long game with you Shisui!" Sakura smiled.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...