Chapter One

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A/N: So this is the first story that I'm actually posting on Wattpad, if anybody actually takes the time to read it THANK YOU!!!! Any kind of feedback at all would be completely awesome! Remember that the boys in my story are only BASED off of the actual One Direction! They will not be exactly the same as in real life! I may tweak a couple facts just to help the plot make more sense!

*Niall's POV*

"Okay guys, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now." I mumbled nervously, "I'm gay."

I glanced up into the mirror, knowing I would never have the courage to tell them outright like that. I mean what if they rejected me? What would I do then? This band means everything to me. Without the boys I would be nothing, they are my best friends, and at this point basically my family.

I had first realized I was into boys when I was 14 years old. When all of my friends had been into Playboy magazines and Megan Fox; I hadn't... at all... I was more interested in Orlando Bloom and Frodo Baggins (YES from The Lord of the Rings! Don't judge me!)

The main reason I had wanted to audition for the X-Factor was to get away from my home town. I loved my family and all of my friends, but the place where I used to live had never been extremely accepting. Nobody, not even my family, knew that I was gay.

When I first got into the band I was nervous. I wasn't nervous that I would start crushing on the other guys, as none of the boys were really my type personality wise (although they were all extremely attractive), but nervous that when the news eventually broke that they wouldn't accept me. That was almost three years ago.

"NIALLLLLLLEEEEERRRRRR!" a very recognizable British accent shouted up the stairs. I had been in the middle of unpacking my things into my new room.

"What do you want Lou?!" I yelled, going to my door to make sure Louis could hear my reply.

"I just got done packing and now I'm bored! Entertain me!" the overly-peppy brunette bounded up the stairs and barreled into me, almost making me topple over.

"Lou!" I declared in a fake-exasperated tone "Isn't that what your girlfriend is for? Skype her or something! I'm busy."

"Oh yeah... I guess I could do that... Thanks for the idea! Remember that we're going to Ed's party later! He's on a break from the tour with Taylor and some of his friends are renting out this super cool club!" Louis reminded me right before slipping out of my bedroom.

"F%CK! I forgot about the party!" Why would we decide to move into the new house on a night where all of us were going to get completely hammered? I love Ed (don't get the wrong idea! I mean in a completely platonic way!) But still.

We had all decided a couple months ago that it was completely pointless to live in separate houses, when we always ended up at each other's anyway. So we okayed it with management, and then bought a mansion right outside of London. A completely awesome idea if you ask me, and that has nothing to do with the fact that I'll probably get breakfast made for me twice as often as I used to. Completely unrelated.

But anyway, the house has three floors, Harry and my rooms are on the top floor, along with a game room, a TV room/theater, and a guest room. On the second floor the other three lads sleep, there's also an office/computer room and a couple empty rooms. The first floor has the kitchen, living room, dining area, and all that other fun stuff. The pool outside is completely kick-ass.

I hurry and throw the rest of my stuff into random drawers so that I actually have time to make myself look decent for the party. I choose a green polo shirt and jeans out of my drawer, and then find a matching snap-back, just to make the outfit seem more 'clubbish' before hopping into the shower.

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