Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

*Niall's POV*

We let everything simmer down for a few days before Zayn and I talked about it anymore. Everything was kind of awkward. Liam was polite around me, but we never talked about anything deeper than what was on the schedule for the day. I couldn't even meet Harry's eyes. Every time I even tried to look at him all I could think of was Joey (I learned his name from Zayn, who I guess asked Harry about him) Apparently they were 'just friends'. Thankfully, Harry hasn't been home very much the last couple of days. When he has been home he's been super quiet. He hardly talks to anyone anymore. Zayn said we were going to fix this, but at this point I have absolutely no idea how.

"Okay. First things first, you need to figure out YOUR emotions. We can't get your relationship with the guys back to normal without knowing how you feel about them" Zayn was very serious about this, and I'm glad, if he wasn't in the band he should've been in something where you analyze people's feelings. He's very good at it.

"How do I do that?" I really don't know. Right now I don't understand any of my emotions. At all.

"I think you need to go home for a bit."

"Home?" I'm already home. What is he talking about?

"Home as in Mullingar." Zayn says, with a complete serious facial expression.

"What!? I can't just go back to Ireland! That's not how it works! We have interviews, and we're going to have to start recording soon. We have so many responsibilities! I can't just leave!" How would that even help? I can't just leave them right now!

"Niall. If you want to be as close to Liam and Harry as you were, you need to be 100% sure of your feelings, and you can't do that while you're so close to them. Liam was actually very inconsiderate when he asked you out so soon after Harry and you were having difficulties. He didn't intentionally try to hurt you, but he definitely didn't think it through. If you really want to be sure of how you feel about both of them,you need to get away from them. Even if its only for a week or two." Zayn explained.

Wow. Not seeing any if them for two weeks. That's a long time, especially when I see them every single day right now. "What about interviews? Recording? I can't just not show up." Can I?

Zayn smiled at me in an older-brotherly sort of way. "I have everything taken care of. We don't start recording the next song for almost three weeks, and I pulled a couple strings to get us out of the two interviews management wanted us to do next week. Start packing. Your flight leaves in four hours."

*Zayn's POV*

Niall waved from the door that led into the plane. I waved back, hoping that I was doing the right thing. The three boys really need a short break from each other, the tension between them was getting too high. They have all been trying to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary, but Louis and I aren't as oblivious as they think we are. I wish Niall could've stayed here while we sorted everything out, but he's a very kind hearted person, and I can see him pretending as if he had feelings for one of the boys just to make then happy. We need to find a way for all three of them to be happy. That's why Louis and I decided that it would be best for Niall to get away.

Hopefully this will help Liam and Harry's relationship too. Their only means of communicating with each other the last couple of days have been glares. I don't even think that Harry even knows that Niall and Liam have broken up yet, he's barely been home the last 4 days, and when he is home all he talks about is Joey. Except of course when Niall is in the room, then he doesn't talk at all. I just really hope this all works out.

*Harry's POV*

I've been avoiding Liam and Niall. I just don't think I can stand the couple-ish atmosphere that I'm sure surrounds them constantly. I don't want to be reminded of what I could be having with Niall right .now if I hadn't been so stupid.

I have no idea what I would be doing right now without Joey. He's my savior, not only are we each others 'stress relievers' but he's kind of been my therapist, in a way. He's let me rant about Liam and gush about Niall. He's let me go on for hours about why I deserve Niall more than Liam does (even though I know I don't.) Right now he's my best friend.

I'm worried about him though. I feel as if there's something he's not telling me. Something that he's hiding about his past that he thinks will make me not care about him anymore. I want him to tell me, but I don't want to PUSH him to tell me. I want him to trust me completely on his own. I just hope that whatever he's hiding won't break him first.


Sorry about not updating very much... School started. Ugh. It's been a week and I'm already tired of 1/2 the people there.

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