Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

A/N: Okay. I apologize for how short this chapter is. I was going to combine it with the next chapter but I think then this chapter would be forever and a half long, plus I have to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow morning so I'm kind of in a hurry. THANKS!

*Niall's POV*

"Where are you at Niall?! Are you okay? Did something happen to Harry? Tell me what's wrong!" Liam says all of this very fast and very quietly.

"H-- he left. Ha-- Harry left and... and it's all my fault!" I choke out in between sobs.

"I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding Niall. You know how Harry is. Tell me where you are so I can come and get you." Liam sounds as if he is speaking through clenched teeth. I suddenly realize that I don't actually know where I'm at. Harry left me. Alone. And I don't know where I am. "Niall?" Liam is starting to sound extremely worried. I get up off of the ground where I had been sitting, curled in a ball, and start looking for a sign. I need something to tell me where I'm at or Liam isn't going to be able to pick me up.

Thank god! There's a sign that says 'Welcome to Greens-borough Park'.

"Liam? Liam, I'm at Greens-borough Park. I'm sitting on the side of a parking lot. Ummm there's a red bench. I'll... I'll be sitting on that."

"Okay Niall. Don't worry. That's only a fifteen minute drive from where I'm at. I'll be there soon." He hangs up.

I just can't believe he left. I had almost felt normal around him again, so maybe my crush had gotten a little bit bigger throughout today, but I was getting better at ignoring the feeling of longing!

He was the one who initiated the kiss. He had to of felt at least the slightest bit of attraction. Even if it was just for a second. Just a tiny bit. But it probably didn't mean anything. It was probably only lust. Again. These thoughts brought on another round of tears. I felt so alone, so abandoned.

Why would THE Harry Styles want me anyway. He could literally have any girl he wanted, along with a large portion of the male population. There's no way he would ever pick me. I'm just a goofy Irish boy that laughs at his own jokes too often and eats too much on a regular basis.

I lie down on the park bench and curl into the fetal position. Trying to distract myself, try to get myself to stop crying.

Then Liam comes walking up. Well, more like comes sprinting up. As soon as he reaches the bench he sits down and pulls me onto his lap. I don't feel quite so alone anymore. I feel cared about. Maybe Liam wasn't the right boy, and maybe this isn't exactly the way I want to be cared about. But at this point anything is better than the way I was feeling a few minutes ago.

"Niall-baby? You have to tell me what is going on. I need to know." He says in a very soothing and quiet voice.

"I'm gay." I don't want to look up at his face as he hears those words, but I have to. I have to see if he's going to accept me or not. I just have to know.

He looks shocked. Surprised. Completely taken aback.

But not disgusted.

He looks down at me. "And what does that have to do with Harry?" He looks as if he's nervous to hear the answer to his question.

"At Ed's party the other night, we were playing Truth or Dare, and I-- I got dared to play gay chicken with Harry. And... well neither one of us won really. Because, well" I start sobbing for a few seconds. Liam starts patting my hair in a soothing way, and I manage to choke back the sobs. "Well we started. Kinda. A little bit. Making out. And it started to get a little." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "Heavy... and then Harry started backing away and he looked so disgusted. I felt so disgusting Liam. And then the next day he came and tried to make it better, he told me that it didn't mean anything. THAT IT WAS JUST LUST" Now I sounded angry, and dammit I was! "I didn't want it too just be lust! I wanted it to be real!"

I started crying again. "It felt real to me Liam. Why didn't it feel real to him?" The look on Liam's face made me feel like that was a rhetorical question.

"And then today he made me go on the stupid friend-date-thing, to try to make things go back to normal! Just when I was started to feel normal again he kissed me! HE KISSED ME! And then he ran away! He left me! I had to run to follow him so that I wouldn't get lost in the trees, and I had to grab the stupid basket. HE LEFT WITHOUT ME LIAM! I thought we were friends. I thought he cared about me. But he doesn't. He just felt lust. That's all it was."

"Ni. It's going to be okay. I promise. We're going to fix this." He looked thoughtful for a moment "I don't know how we're going to fix this yet. But we will."

"Thank you Liam. I don't know what I would do without you." And because obviously I'm extremely hormonal today, I started sobbing again. I felt as if I was trying to get rid of all of the loneliness. Trying to get rid of all of the sadness. Trying to get rid of all of the emotions that were wracking their way through my body.

Liam picked me up and carried me to his car.

Harry had left.


*Liam's POV*

I'm going to find that little piece of shit. And I'm going to Kick. His. Ass.

~End of Chapter Six~

Vote if you love me! Or if you love Narry! Or if you love One Direction. Or if you love yourself. Or if you love somebody. (Starts jamming to Love Somebody by Maroon 5)

Okay, really you should just vote because you are awesome.


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