Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Okay guys. I've never actually been to a gay club, let alone a gay club in London, so I made all of this completely up. Like I have no idea whether this is accurate or not... And I casted Joey Graceffa as Joey... but that's not really how I described him physically... I just imagine that they have SUPER similar personalities... So yeah... that's why that's like that...

*Harry's POV*

"This is a stupid idea." I can't believe Louis talked me into this. Why would I let him talk me into this? It's been almost a week since Niall and Liam got together, and I've been avoiding both of them. any time that I get anywhere near Liam he shoots me a dirty look, while Niall just gets this awkward pained expression on his face. 

"Whatever Harry.We're here, so it's too late to back out now." We pulled up outside the club. It's classier than I expected it to be. Well, I guess I've never actually been to a club like this. I didn't really know what to expect. At all. 

"What if the paparazzi see us? What a completely horrible way to come out to the public. 'Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson caught at gay bar' I can see the magazines now. 'Larry Stylinson: Real'" I'm rambling. I ramble a lot when I'm nervous.

"Shut up Harry. Why do you think we sent Zayn and Perrie out? I don't know exactly what Zayn's plan is, but I'm sure he can do something outrageous enough to keep their attention for one night. Trust me." 

I know, I should trust him. He's one of my best friends, he's been there for me for three years. I'm just worried. What if I do find some of the other men attractive? What if I don't? Will it affect how I feel about Niall either way? Probably not.

We walk into the club, and I'm surprised by, well by how normal it is. It has a modern-ish feel,and the music is extremely dance worthy. "Wow." Is all I can say when I step inside.

"What? Did you expect rainbows and unicorns?" Louis looks at me with a 'man-you're-stupid' expression on his face. I look down and blush, that might of been what I was expecting. Possibly. Just a little bit. "Go look for a sexy guy, I'm sure there's one in here somewhere. I'll just stay by the bar and make sure you don't get raped." 

"Thanks Louis. You're the best-"

"friend anyone could ever have. Ever. I know, you don't have to tell me. Just go find a boy to dance with." He heads off to the bar. 

I walk up next to the dancefloor. I feel intimidated, which is weird for me. I'm not usually easily intimidated. Some people are dancing in huge groups, just grinding and touching each other everywhere. Others are more intimate, two people who just look like they are meant to be together. I feel jealous of those people, the ones that look so in love that they would do anything for their partner. I wish Niall was here. Maybe he would dance with me like that. Maybe I would enjoy it. 

"First time here?" I turn around to see who it is that was talking to me, and was completely astonished at what I saw. He was literally the most adorable human being I had ever met in my entire life. He was at least 6 inches shorter than I was. His blonde hair was shaggy, partially covering his forehead, and the widest blue eyes I had ever seen. 

"Am I really that easy to read? My name's Harry." I probably look like a complete dork. 

"You just look really confused. My name's Joey. Come to the bar, I'll buy you a drink and we can talk for a bit." He enthusiastically grabs my arm and drags me to the bar, ordering us two cocktails of some kind. "So, what brings you here?" He looks curious as we sit down and start to drink. 

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