Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

*Liam's POV*

I can't believe everything that's happened in just a few short hours.


I was sitting on the couch, watching some random tv show, when I heard a knock on the door.

I stood up lazily, wishing someone else would be home so that they could open the door. Why do I have to be the only one of the lads without a social life? I need to get some friends outside of the band. It's almost unhealthy, how much I rely on the guys.

I finally get to the door, the person on the other side is still knocking, but not nearly as loud. I open the door and there is a figure that's leaning against the door frame.

At first I don't realize who the man is. He's completely being supported by the door frame, as if he can't stand up by himself. His face is bruised almost beyond the point of recognition. It's Joey. Holy fuck! Who would do this to Joey?!

I lift him up, carrying him bridal style, and he starts to moan in a pained way. "Joey?" I try to whisper, I'm sure he has a headache, "Who did this to you?"

"It... was..." He murmurs his words very quietly, as if it hurt to talk, and then he mutters incoherently for a few seconds. He rests his head against my shoulder and closes his eyes, still moaning quietly in pain.

"Joey. You need to stay awake." I try to talk in a loud enough voice for him to actually comprehend what I'm saying. "Joey!" if he falls asleep I might not be able to wake him back up.

I finally reach the phone and, trying to hold onto Joey at the same time, I dial for the ambulance. After talking to the dispatch lady for a minute I'm told to just try to keep him awake, at least until the ambulance gets here.

After hanging up the phone I realize that he's fully awake again, and that he's just staring at me.

"Liam?" I can barely make out his whisper.


He slowly lifts up his hand and brushes it along my cheek. "You're really pretty." His whisper is one of the softest sounds I've ever heard. Even all bruised up he looks beautiful. Maybe even more beautiful than Nia-

There's a knock on the door. I lift up Joey from where I had partially set him down on the counter while I had been on the phone, and go to the door. After maneuvering Joey around to where part of one of my hands are free I open the door to a couple of paramedics and a stretcher.

I set him down onto the stretcher, making sure his head is resting comfortably on the pillow part.

Two of the men wheel Joey out into the ambulance, while the third stays and asks me questions about how long he's been like this, if I know what happened, etc.

After the man gets through with questioning me he looks and me softly. "Would you like to ride with us, or would you like to ride separately. He needs at least one person who knows him there, at least until we can contact a relative."

I think about it for just a moment. "Yeah. I guess I'll ride with you."

I don't want to put too much thought into why I want to ride with him. I could just as easily drive myself.

I don't want him to be alone with a bunch of strangers when he's so disoriented.

That would only make him more confused.


That's definitely why.

-End of Flashback-

And now I'm sitting in the corner of his hospital room, on an uncomfortable couch, not sure of what I should do, I'm not even sure of what I want to do. I do know that he won't wake up any time soon, but I'm not sure if that a negative or positive thing.

I guess I could go and try to comfort Harry, Joey is one of his best friends. They are almost as close as Harry and Louis. Maybe even closer in some ways. But I think Niall is very capable when it comes to comforting Harry.


I thought I was in love with him.

I really did.

But when he came into the room with Harry, all I could think of was whether or not Joey was going to be okay.

Even when he left to follow Harry, I didn't feel pained or broken like I thought I would. There wasn't even any jealousy, just a numb spot where my feelings for Niall used to be.

Is what Joey said back at the house the reason I'm acting this way? he was probably delusional with pain. I could've looked like Zac Efron to him. He could've been hallucinating.

But what if he wasn't?

Wow. A boy compliments me-when he may or may not of been completely sane- and I'm already developing a crush.

Pathetic much?

~End of Chapter Twenty~

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