Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

I dedicated this chapter to HazzandB00Bear for leaving an adorable comment. I'm adopting her as my daughter.

*Niall's POV*

"But Lauren!" I whine into my phone.

"Niall James Horan. You are going on this date tonight, just like we both know that you want too." My best girl friend demands.

"But I don't wanna! I'm going to mess everything up somehow." I slowly exhale. "I'll say something inconsiderate, or be annoying, or inappropriate."

"Niall, if Harry really likes you then that's what he'll expect you to do. Those are the kinds of things people like about their significant others. The quirky things that make them, well, THEM." she tries to make her voice sound all wise, but the giggle at the end really ruins the mood.

"Lauren, who even asked you?" Stupid prat.

"You did, about 15 minutes ago when you called me whining about how you didn't want to go on your date tonight."

"That was a rhetorical question. Stop being annoying." I need more mature friends. Who are more sympathetic.

"Now stop being such a whiny bitch and get ready for your date with the sex god." She paused for a second. "And I want explicit details tomorrow." She cackled evilly before quickly hanging up.

Okay. So there's no way I can cancel on Harry without being a complete asshole, so I guess I'm definitely going. I just need to get past the fact that he is, as Lauren put it, basically a sex god, and just remember that he is Harry. I hang out with him all of the time. The only difference between this time and all of the other times is the fact that I'll be able to stare at him as much as I want without getting judged.

I'm going on a date with Harry.

Fuck. What am I going to wear?!?! There's only three hours till he told me to be ready, and I actually want to put some effort into my hair.

I hurriedly start looking through my closet, throwing aside piece after piece of clothing. I feel like a girl as I have absolutely nothing to wear. I let out an annoyed moan as I fall onto my bed.

That's it. I'm not going. Obviously me not having any appropriate clothes is a sign from the universe that I shouldn't go.

After about ten minutes of self pity I decide to search one last time. And that's when I find it. Almost completely hidden at the very back of my closet is a complete outfit all on one hanger, I think I was going to wear it to an interview but then decided against it at the very last minute. A white T-shirt with a black design on it, jeans, along with a grey over shirt thing. It's not a cardigan, those sound feminine. I'm manly.

Plus this means that I can wear aviators. I love aviators, I always have, I just think they make people look really awesome.

Maybe this date won't be too bad after all. Don't get me wrong, I really like Harry. I might even love him. It's just that I'm really nervous that something will go wrong, that something will happen that makes Harry realize that he's not actually attracted to me at all. I mean, he did only just realize that he might, possibly be gay/bi. What if this is just a phase?

I look at the time, shocked that I had wasted so much time picking out clothes. I quickly jump into the shower, gasping as the still-cold water hits my skin. I should've let the water warm up more.

I try to push the negative thoughts away. Harry. Just think if Harry, the way he makes me feel. I just need to stay positive.

I finally get out of the shower. After drying off and putting my clothes on I start to style my hair. I'm trying to get it into this flowy side-quiff kind of thing. After about 20 minutes of working with it, I finally look decent.

My phone pings.

Your favorite bandmate messaged you: Hey! sudden change if plans! Meet me at the park bench in 20 minutes ;) I'll be there


~End of Chapter Twenty-Three~ So the reason Harry is under "your favorite bandmate" under Nialls phone is obviously because Harry put it that way. Haha. Sorry for any confusion. And I tried to put a picture of the outfit Niall is wearing to the side... idk if that'll work or not... Toodles!!!

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