Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

*Harry's POV*

I can't believe I just did that. I don't understand why. I'm straight. So why would I kiss Niall? I can't even blame it on being drunk this time. I was 100% sober. And I kissed one of my best friends. Why would I do that?

I got home a half an hour ago, and I've just been sitting on the couch, trying to forget what I did. I'm such a stupid person. 

The door slams. Liam walks through the living room carrying Niall. F%ck. I forgot. I left Niall there. Liam glares at me as he walks by, but doesn't stop. I can tell by the way Niall is breathing that he's asleep. I can hear Liam going up the stairs. A few minutes later I can hear him coming back. He's going to yell at me. He's going to call me irresponsible for leaving Niall alone in an unfamiliar place. 

"Harry!" I've never heard Liam so angry. Liam NEVER gets angry. He's Liam! "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you know how upset he is? Do you even understand what you've put him through."

"Man, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to leave him there! I just, I just needed to get out of there. Besides, I knew he had his phone."

Liam had a weird look in his eyes. Like he was pissed, but that it was kind of funny. What is wrong with him? 

"You think I'm mad at you for leaving him there?" Liam sounds angry again. Shit. What else did I do. What? You mean besides kiss your best friend? There's no way Niall told Liam about that. "You think THAT'S what you did wrong? God Harry! Sometimes you're so dense!" 

"Liam. Tell me what I did wrong. I'm confused. I didn't mean to leave Niall by himself. I wasn't being myself." Liam ran up to me, and suddenly pain was shooting through my jaw. 

Liam had punched me. He had punched me!

"What the hell was that for?"

"Nothing. You're just an idiot." Liam stormed out of the room and headed upstairs. 

I can't believe that Liam punched me. 

*Liam's POV*

I walk into Niall's room quietly, he's had a rough couple days and probably hasn't been sleeping too well. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. There's no tormented, lonely expression marring his perfect features. The way he sleeps is just adorable, he breathes in loudly in a way that isn't quite a snore. Every once in a while he'll clench his hands and cuddle into his pillow. I think of how it would feel to be the one Niall was cuddling up against. 

Great now I'm jealous if a pillow. Did you hear that? That was the sound of me hitting rock bottom.

But I guess it was only a matter of time. I mean I did fall in love with my best friend right? How much farther did I have to go?

I've always known that I'm bi. Ever since puberty started I'd been attracted to both girls and guys.

If you haven't been paying attention enough to notice. I'm in love with Niall. It all started a couple months ago...

*Two Months Ago*

 "Liam! This movie is scary! Protect me!" Niall came running from the other side of the couch and hopped into my lap. We were at Zayn's flat, watching 'The House at the End of the Street'. Niall buries his face into my shoulder. "That guy is so creepy!"

I pull him tighter, not wanting him to be afraid. "Don't worry Niall. It's just a movie." The smell of Niall's shampoo is simply devine. The way his hands feel as they touch my back. I don't ever want him to stop.

What am I saying? I can't have a crush on Niall! He's my best friend, I'm closest to him out of all of the boys, and truthfully he's kind of disgusting. He eats in the most sloppy way possible. He 'forgets' to take showers all the time, to the point where he smells horrible. Plus he laughs at the most innapropriate times. 

Actually now that I think about it, the way he laughs is actually kind of cute. 

Maybe this is just a phase. I'll probably get over him a few days, and it doesn't matter anyway. Because Niall is 100% straight. 


Well at least I had thought that he was 100% straight. This wasn't a phase. Every single day after that day my crush grew bigger, and now I think I'm full-blown in love with him. When I had picked him up from the park, and he had admitted that he was gay for a split second I thought that maybe he had a crush on me. I thought, for that half a second, that maybe the reason he was so worried was because he thought I would reject him. 

But of course not. That would be too simple, too perfect. He had to  be in love with Harry-fucking-Styles. And Harry probably had feelings for him too, he may not have realized them yet, but obviously he felt something or he wouldn't of kissed Niall in the park. 

I clenched my fist. He had kissed Niall. 

He had made Niall cry. 

I should've punched him in the balls. 

"Liam?" Niall asked. His voice was rough from just waking up, and damn was it sexy. "Liam... make it go away." His voice was quiet and heart-breaking.

"Make what go away Niall? I don't understand." 

"The feelings." Oh. I could only think of one way to distract him. But what if he hates me afterwards? It's a chance I'm willing to take. I'd rather him hate me and be able to say that I tried then always wonder 'What if?'

*Niall's POV* 

Liam's lips were soft and comforting on my own, maybe not full of the burning passion and uncontrollable longing as Harry's, but it was nice. I felt loved. Liam pulled away and smiled at me. "Niall? Are you okay with me doing that?" Liam, always the gentleman. But as soon as he breaks the contact I feel the hole in my chest open up again.

"Yeah Liam, actually it made me feel better." This time I kiss him, taking him by surprise. Our kisses our neat, not sloppy at all. Liam's actually a pretty good kisser. This time I'm the one that stops. Liam lets out a whine that is simply adorable. "Actually Li, I'm still kind of tired. Do you think we could take a nap?"

"Okay, I'll just--" He starts getting out of the bed.

"NO! Stay here with me. I-- I don't think I can sleep by myself right now." Liam smiles when I say that, obviously pleased that I don't want him to leave. We lay down, and I cuddle into Liam, using him as a pillow.

"I love you Niall." Liam whispers to me as he plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"Li-- Liam... I... I..."

"Shhhh Niall. I know. It's okay. I don't mind. You can't just make feelings disappear. I know how you feel."

"Thanks Liam."

"I know baby. I know. Now go to bed."

*Liam POV*

Now I just have to get him to forget about the dick and fall in love with me. How hard can it be?

~End of Chapter Seven~ 

A/N: Obviously Liam is having difficulty controlling his anger about Harry. ;)

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