Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

A/N: I feel like this chapter switches POV's a lot, but it was the only way I could get the thoughts I wanted to across from both of them without just doing the WHOLE thing in Harry's and then doing the WHOLE thing over again in Niall's, and I really didn't want to do that.

*Harry's POV*

I woke up before the sun had even risen all the way with the most massive headache. Hard alcohol is not fun the next morning. I'm never doing shots ever again, then I chuckle, I say that every time that we go out. I slowly walk to the kitchen, glad that nobody is up making noise yet. I dig through the medicine cabinet finding the pain medicine, and then fill a cup full of water. Hopefully the pounding in my head will go away pretty soon.

Then I remember.



That stupid game.

The kiss.

I wonder if he even remembers, Niall is a very forgetful drunk, maybe it's better if he doesn't remember. At least if I know that he doesn't remember nothing will be awkward between us. And why should things be awkward? I'm straight. Niall's straight. It was just a kiss. Yeah. A kiss that you enjoyed. The voice in the back of my mind whispers. I only enjoyed it because I had been drinking! I finish taking the pills and drink another glass of water before going back to my room and snuggling beneath the cover. Yeah. There's no way Niall remembers.

*Niall's POV*

I wake up with a splitting headache. I'm never mixing different types of shots ever again. Every time I do I end up with a hangover that's ten times worse than normal. Somebody (probably Liam) had brought some pain tablets and a glass of water into my room. I hurriedly took all of the pills and finished off the glass of water. This pounding feeling was going to kill me if it didn't go away soon. I look at my phone, it's only 9 am, and decide to sleep a little longer. We aren't doing anything important today any way. 

A finally roll out of bed at 10:30. My head hurts a little bit less now so I decide to go downstairs and see if I can pout enough to guilt trip somebody into making me pancakes. I go slowly down the stairs, no reason to risk the pounding coming back again any more than I have too. 

At last I get into the kitchen. There's already a pile of steaming pancakes, all set out on a plate and everything. OMFG THEY HAVE CHOCOLATE CHIPS. I immediately start tearing into the pancakes, right when Zayn walks in. "Niall! Those were mine! Liam made them for me!" His yelling makes my head start hurting again. He tries to steal the plate back. 

"Whatever Zayn. Finders keepers." I surround the plate with my arms protecting them from the raven haired boy. "It's basically a law. Now they're mine. You'll just have to go and ask Liam to make you some more." I try to reason with him.

"Whatever Niall. You're such a five-year-old when it comes to food." He says in an annoyed voice. I don't want him to be mad at me so I just go ahead and give him one.

"Fine. You can have one. But only cause I'm your favorite." I smile innocently.

"Yeah Niall, sure you are." Zayn walks out of the room nibbling on his pancake. I smile to myself as I finish off the stack of pancakes. Then I hear footsteps coming up behind me.

"Morning Niall." Harry drawls out the words nervously. And everything comes rushing back to me.

Every. Single. Thing.

The way Harry's lips felt as they were against mine.

The way his hands felt as they lifted me up onto the table.

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