Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

*Harry's POV*

Room 227.

We have just arrived at Joey's room, and I'm scared to go in. I'm scared of what I will see. I haven't known him for that long, but Joey is one of the best friends I've ever had. I don't know what I would do without him.

"Babe, it'll be okay" Niall wraps his arms around my waist, making me feel slightly better. I know that whatever we are going to have to go through, Niall will be there.

I push open the door and gasp at what I see. Joey looks so small and broken. He has bandages wrapped around his forehead and one if his arms. The majority of his face that isn't bandaged is bruised. One of his eyes are swollen shut. He's connected to multiple, very complicated-looking machines, all of them beeping and making electronic sounds.

What the hell happened? I'm going to murder the bastard that's done this too him. He is one of the sweetest, most caring people I've ever met. And now he's barely breathing.

I turn to Liam, sitting in the corner of the room, "What's all wrong with him? And how did it happen?"

Liam sighs before answering, "He has a couple of broken ribs, you can see the bruises on his face and arms. The doctor said that his body went into a coma naturally to try to help repair itself faster, but because of swelling in his brain they put him into a medically induced coma so that he doesn't wake up before he's healed enough."

"Well do we know who caused it?"

"No. He was muttering something before we got to the hospital, that's when he went unconscious, but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say." Liam looked really worn out.

I can't believe this is happening. I can't understand who would do this to such a beautiful person. I stormed out of the bedroom, I can't look at Joey any longer. There's too much pain. I eventually find the room set aside for family and friends of the patients, and take a seat on one of the uncomfortable chairs, trying to think of anything Joey had ever mentioned, or anyone he had ever mentioned, that would lead to him getting attacked in such a brutal way.

I was completely lost in thought when I felt a presence right beside me. It was Niall, looking really worried. When he realized that I was looking at him he spoke up, "We're going to get through this right?"

I thought about his question for a second, "Yeah. I guess we have too."

"And we're going to get through it together?" He had this awkward expression on his face, as if he is scared of how I'll answer him.

"Yes." I don't even have to think about that one. No matter what happens, I want to be with Niall, always.

He smiles just a little bit at how quickly I replied to his question before he starts talking again, "So... I know this is really shit timing, I wanted to do this in a completely different way, but now I don't care anymore, I've been waiting so long and-"

"Spit it out Ni."

"Do you... Maybe... Kind of wanna try being... Like a couple?" he looked down right away, staring into his hands.

In speechless. I can't believe he just asked me that! I can't believe that NIALL HORAN just asked me to be his boyfriend!


I don't even know what to do.

What should I say?

"Or not. I understand. I'm probably not your type anyway... It's okay. We'll still be friends. Unless you don't want to be." Niall let out a long sigh.

He looks so sad. Like he would be alone for the rest of his life. Why does he look so sad?

He stood up to leave when I realized that I never answered his question. I'm one of the most stupid people ever! I stood up and grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Niall, I would love nothing more than to be your boyfriend."

"Really?" He looks genuinely surprised, as if he was sure I would say no.


"Yeah babe?" He sounds much better now.

"Kiss me."

And he definitely did.

~End of Chapter Nineteen~

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