Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Warning: There is some things in this chapter that might make some people remember harmful thing. Someone forces someone else into something sexual. There's not details.
*Joey's POV*

( 18 Months Ago)

It's our anniversary today. We've been together for an entire year. It doesn't seem like that long ago that he shyly came up to me in the coffee shop near my work, asking me for my number. It's definitely been the best year of my life.

I put the finishing touches on the table that I've set for a romantic dinner. I don't typically have a lot of money to spend on dates, but I always try to be romantic about stuff like this. Lucas should be home any minute.

I'm lighting the candles as I hear the door open. I'm filled with nervous excitement for just a few milliseconds before I hear the door slammed shut.

Lucas storms through the dining room and heads straight towards the kitchen.

"Lu, what's the matter?" I try to put my hand on his shoulder, but he pushes me away. He gets a beer out, and immediately starts chugging it down. "Lucas! what is the matter!?"

"Just shut up!" Now he's leaning up against the counter with his head resting in his hands.

"Lucas, baby you need to tell me what is wrong, I might be able to help." I step closer to him and try to put my head on his shoulder in a comforting way.

As soon as I our bodies made contact, Lucas stiffened. Pain shot through my back as he pushed me away, I had fell hard against the counters on the other side of our small kitchen.

I straightened up immediately. I can't believe he just did that. "You need to calm down."

"Fuck you Joey!" Lucas threw down his empty bottle and opened another.

I left the kitchen, wondering what could be happening with my boyfriend. Any other time he's nothing but happy. He's usually a very upbeat kind of person. He's never hurt me physically, ever. I mean sure we've gotten into arguments before, but he's never even raised his hands against me.

I clean off the table, maybe we can celebrate tomorrow, if Lucas has gotten over whatever upset him. He's out of the kitchen now. He went into the small room that we use as a kind of office. I check, and he's taken the rest of the beer we have in the house with him.

I'm really worried about him. He's never been a heavy drinker, a few with friends here or there, but never a lot. I don't think I've ever even seen him drunk.

After I finish cleaning up I go straight to our bedroom. I don't even know what to think. Should I be worried? Should I be mad at him? Maybe a little bit of both?

I fall asleep much earlier than usual.

I wake up to the door opening. I smile as I see Lucas walk in. "Hey baby, where've you been?"

Lucas doesn't answer me. Suddenly my still-half-asleep brain remembers. He came home in a beyond pissed mood. How he refused to talk about it, and how he pushed me off of him.

Lucas gets onto the bed. He slowly moves closer to me. Out of nowhere he's sloppily kissing me.

I don't return his kiss; I try to push him off of me. "Stop! Lucas stop it!"

I flinch as he raises his hand, as if he would slap me. The only thing going through my mind is that Lucas wouldn't slap me. Lucas loves me.

But then he brings his hand down, hard. My cheek stings, and my eyes start to water. "Lucas?" I whimper. I can't believe he just did that. I try harder to push him off, for the first time I realize just how much bigger he is than me.

His hands are running up and down my sides, any other time it probably would of felt good. Not now though. Right now all I feel is scared.

And he's kissing me again, holding my arms down so that I can't fight back.

As soon as he is finished with me, he starts crying. He's still holding me against him, but less in an intimidating way, and more as if he's just scared to be alone. Like a little kid holding on to their teddybear.

I hold back my own tears as I listen to him cry.

Tomorrow I'm leaving.

I'm not staying with someone like this.

~End of Chapter Twenty-Nine~

So sorry if this was confusing! Basically Lucas (Joey's boyfriend) came home on their 1 year anniversary pissed. He drank a lot. And then he basically raped Joey. ); Joey needs hugs.

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