Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

*Harry's POV*

So, with the reputation of being a man-whore, you would think that I was really good at sweeping people off of their feet when it comes to dates.


I'm a horrible date-planner-person. I don't know why! but I'm just really bad at figuring out what kind of date a person likes.

Which is why right now I'm completely flipping out. I told Niall I would bring him on a date, with just us, but I have absolutely no ideas.

Why did I have to insist that I would plan it? He offered to surprise me. But noooooo. I had to be stubborn, I had to demand that I would surprise HIM. And now it is twelve hours from when I told Niall to be ready, and I still have no clue what were doing.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm going to have to -shuddering- ask for Zayn's help. I've had to do this multiple times, but every other time it has been for girls who I really didn't care that much about. But, Niall is different. He's perfect. And I'm most definitely not, he's so much better than I deserve.

I finally man up and grab my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I get to Zayn's.

The phone rings for a few seconds, "What's up Harry?" Zayn finally picks up his phone.

"Oh nothing really, I just really, really, really need to figure out what kind of date Niall would want to be brought on." I answer very nonchalantly, as if it isn't a big deal.

"This again, Harry?" I can hear Zayn judging me through the phone. "Shouldn't of you figured this out by now. Dinner and a movie. It's easy."

"Zayyyynnnnn!" I started to complain loudly "Niall is not some cheap slut. I want the date to be special, not something that every other person would enjoy. I need to take him somewhere unique that HE will enjoy."

"Okay. Okay, back off, I was just trying to help." Zayn took a deep breath. "Have you thought about maybe asking Niall would be a good idea?" Zayn asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Ughhhh, Zayn you are no help! How romantic is that?"

Zayn just sighs. "Well then how about you take him on a date that you would feel was sweet or romantic or whatever it is that you're going for."

"That's... Actually a really good idea... Thanks Zayn!" I hung up the phone quickly.

If my maybe-boyfriend was taking me on a romantic date, what would I want him to do?


~End of Chapter Twenty-Two~

Sorry for the filler chapter, if I have time tonight I'll try to write another one!!!

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