Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

*Niall's POV*

I was at the beach. The white sand was warm, the ocean was beautiful, there was a palm tree just a few feet from where I was sitting. The waves crashing against the shore was relaxing.

"Enjoying yourself?" A deep, easily recognizable, voice questioned, coming up from behind me. His breath on my neck sent chills down my spine.

I turned around to face Harry. I need to talk to him. We need to talk and explain our feelings to each other. "Harry, we need to-" I started nervously, before Harry put his finger against my lips, effectively silencing me.

I just stared into his beautiful eyes, trying to determine precisely what shade of green they were when he slowly started leaning in closer. And closer. And closer. Until our lips touched.

His hands running up and down my back, slowly massaging it with his firm hand, it felt like nothing I've ever experienced before. He was kissing me with an intense passion, with a hunger that I could feel. I could feel how much he needed me. How much he wanted me. Soon both of us were getting hard. He stopped and moved to my neck, leaving a trail of love bites on my neck. Soon his mouth left my body, and he quietly moaned into my ear, "Niall. I'm going to make you feel so good!"

"Niall! Breakfast time!" My moms voice woke me up from my wonderful, if not realistic, dream. Man. I really have it bad.

*Harry's POV*

"I don't know what to do!" I whined loudly to the two boys sharing the couch with me. I was sprawled out between two of my best friends, my head in Joey's lap and my legs resting on Louis' thighs. "I just don't know how to fix this! Niall hates me! Liam hates me! Everyone else is probably annoyed with me! I don't see why they wouldn't be, I'm definitely annoyed with me."

"Nobody likes a pity-party honey." Joey said softly, in his fake southern accent that he randomly starts speaking at times. He was gently running his hands through my curls, trying go comfort me. "You all just need some time to think things through. It'll all work out."

"I don't think so Joey. Not this time, this isn't a TV show, or a movie. This is real life. And this time I've fucked everything up too much. We've hurt each other too much, well, mostly I've hurt him." I snuffled as I tried to keep the tears back, I've cried too much the last couple of days.

I just feel so let down. I know that it's my fault that he doesn't want to be around me anymore. I've hurt him, more than once, and I think anybody would've felt at least a little cautious about showing any type if feeling towards me. But he didn't need to just walk away. He could've let me catch up. He could've stopped. Could've waited. He could've let me explain.

But he didn't.

And now I don't know what to do.


It's been a a week since he left. It's been a week since I've seen him, and as far as I know, he hasn't contacted any of the boys. I feel like he might be talking to Zayn on a somewhat-regular basis, but never in front of any of the rest of us. I think Zayn might be hoping that we haven't noticed him disappearing into his room every night. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not completely stupid, or at least not that stupid anyway.

I still am not 100% sure how to act around Liam. He's been polite, but not very talkative. Liam and I were never extremely close, but we've always been pretty good friends, I've always been able to count on him. I want to fix that.

I decide to knock on his bedroom door. "Liam? Liam I'm pretty sure that you're in there. We need to talk." I try to sound calm. I don't want to start a fight. That would only make things worse.

After almost a minute the door finally opens. "You're right Harry. We DO need to talk."

*Niall's POV*

"I don't know what I need to do about it! I don't know what I want to do about it! I feel completely helpless!" I try to explain the situation to my best girl friend from back home, kind of hoping her insight might help me decide what the best thing to do would be.

"Well," Lauren started softly, "do you love Liam?"

"I do. I DO love Liam, just not in the boyfriend kind of way. I love him like a brother, I would do almost anything for him, I just can't bring myself to be sexually attracted to him. Ya know?"

"I understand. That's like the way I feel about you. I love you like a brother, I would do anything for you, and you're adorable. But anything that would be considered 'more than friends' would feel like incest. It would feel gross, like kissing your cousin."

"Exactly." I've missed having Lauren to talk to on a daily basis. She's always understood exactly what I was trying to say.

"Well do you love Harry then?"

"Ughhhhhh! I don't know!"

"Well do you imagine kissing him, touching him, having him touch you. Would you like it if his hands wrapped around your-"

"SHUT UP!" I quickly tried to cut her off, my face turning beet red.

"Well obviously you're sexually attracted to him." I groaned. I don't need her to point that out. Obviously I am. She thought for a moment longer.

"Okay, what about this? Do you imagine sitting on a couch you bought together, holding Harry's hand, him slowly rubbing circles on your thumb. Imagine standing in the aisle of a church, seeing him there smiling at you in a suit and tie that goes with his dazzling green eyes. Think about how your children will look. Think about everything that will happen with your kids. Think about sitting on the front porch, relaxing on tickets and growing old together."

I've thought about everything like that for more time than I'm willing to admit. Of course I've thought of those things. The majority of the people who meet Harry imagine things like that. He's just so attractive, smart, funny. I thought about what our children would look like, what our children will act like.

Harry would make the best dad. He would be kind, and forgiving, he would have patience, and he would be a complete push over when it came to pouting.

I thought about what it would be like to wake up to Harry every morning. His rough morning voice the first thing I hear, every single day.

"So what's the verdict Mr. Horan?" Lauren softly asked, she put a comforting hand on my shoulder. She had let me walk down memory lane for a solid 10 minutes.

"I-I-I think that." I stuttered "I think. I think that I need to be alone for awhile."

~End of Chapter Fifteen~

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