Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

*Liam's POV*

As soon as I was sure that Joey wasn't going to wake immediately back up I decided to call Zayn. It was only 10 in the morning, you would expect the average people to be up by now, but my roommates were anything but average. I had to wait several rings before Zayn picked up his phone.

"Yeah Liam? What do you want? I was kinda asleep..." Zayn sounded as if he had literally just rolled out of bed.

"I was just going to tell you that Joey woke up just a few minutes ago..."

"Really?! That's awesome! Has he said anything about who--"

I cut Zayn off before he could even finish his question, "No, he was awake for less than a minute, and he just said a couple of words, I just thought I should let you guys know."

"Well do you think we should go to the hospital?" He sounded much more awake now.

"Ummm... I guess you guys could come if you wanted too..." Suddenly I didn't really want the boys to be here quite yet. I felt selfish even thinking it, but I wanted to be the first person he remembers seeing after he wakes up, I want to be the first person he talks too. "But really I think it would probably be better for Joey if you guys waited just a bit before coming and seeing him. It might be awhile before he wakes up again anyway, and I don't want to overwhelm him with people."

"I understand, but because Harry will probably ask anyway, you said that Joey said a few words, what was he talking about?"

"Oh. He just asked a couple of questions, he asked why he was in the hospital and how long he'd been here."

"That makes sense, I would probably be wondering that too if i woke up in a hospital bed."

"Well let's hope you never have to find out what you'd be thinking if you woke up in a hospital bed, Zayn." I try to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, yeah, that actually sounds like a wonderful plan, I'll have to try to avoid that." Zayn laughs in an awkward kind of way before saying goodbye and hanging up.

I spend the next hour hoping for Joey to wake back up; the nurse comes in to check on him once, saying that all his 'vitals' are normal. I try to sing a couple more songs, but I'm running out of ideas. I jokingly sing 'Wake Me Up' by Ed Sheeran.

"Joey. Joey, are you ready to wake up yet? You've been asleep for so long."

His hands move around just a little bit. "How long?" His voice is breathy and quiet, I can barely make out what he's saying.

"A couple of weeks."

"What... What happened? Why am I here?" His voice sounds shaky, as if he is on the verge of breaking down.

"Well, we don't really know. You just showed up on our doorstep, and then soon after you passed out."

"Oh." He still is squinting his eyes, as if they are still adjusting to the light.

"Yeah, it's been an interesting couple of weeks."

"So don't take offense to this, but why are you here?"

"I don't really know, I just feel like I should be I guess. I mean, I'm the only one that was at home when you got to the house. I guess I just feel like part of the entire situation, if that makes any sense whatsoever."

"Yeah. Yeah I guess it makes sense."

"If you remember anything, anything about what happened around the day you got hurt, you should tell me. I want to help in any way possible. If there's someone I need to go talk too, or go beat the shit out of, just tell me and I will."

"Ok Liam, will do."

"Joey." I look him straight in the eyes. "I'm serious."

"I know." He glances away for a few seconds, before rolling over in the hospital bed. "I'm still tired."

"Okay, I'm going to go tell the doctor that you are awake now. I probably should've done that the first time that you woke up, I just got distracted." I laughed a little bit, not really sure what I was laughing at.

I walked out of the room and wandered around, looking for a nurse or doctor that I could talk too. I decided to send Zayn a text instead of calling him this time.

To: Zayn

Hey! Joey woke up for a few more minutes! I just talked to him about how long he's been out, he doesn't seem to remember anything about getting into a fight or anything! He's fallen back asleep, but I'll text you again when he wakes up!

After a few more minutes of searching I find the correct nurses station, you'd think being at the hospital almost constantly for so long would give me a pretty good idea of the layout of this place. That is definitely not true, I'm probably more confused now then I was after the first couple of days.

"Could I talk to Joey Graceffa's doctor please?" I smile politely at the middle-aged nurse. She looks flustered for just a few seconds.

"Yes, yes of course." She shuffles a few papers around. "Yes, let me see. Dr. Shaw is making his rounds right now, I'll have him come and see you. Where do you want him to meet you at?"

"In the waiting room will be fine, thank-you." I smile at her one last time before turning off towards where I believe the waiting room is.

*Joey's POV*

I turn around in the uncomfortable hospital bed, I can't believe I've been here for two weeks, two weeks of my life that I don't remember.

Two weeks. What will he of done without me for two weeks? He can't of found someone else in just two weeks, could he? I need him in my life. That's why I have to act like I don't remember what happened. Harry would be mad at him, and he doesn't need any more troubles in his life. Liam would probably tell me that I am stupid for sticking with him, but Liam wouldn't understand anyway. Liam has a perfect life. How could he understand? I shiver as I think back to the way Liam's eyes looked when he was talking about beating the person who did this to me. He wasn't joking, he was completely serious.

That's why I can't let Liam know.

Nobody will know except for me and him.

~End of Chapter Twenty-Eight~

Sorry I haven't been updating quite as often! I'm not nearly as busy anymore though, so maybe I'll be able to write a little bit throughout the week too!!! How does everyone like 'The Story of My Life'?!?! I really like it, it's such a beautiful song! I can't wait for the entire album!

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