Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

*Liam's POV*

I know he doesn't love me. He thinks he's fooling me, but I'm not completely stupid. I can see the way Niall looks at Harry when he thinks nobody is watching, he gets this sad, longing expression on his face, and it breaks my heart to see it. Harry isn't any better though, he's always sneaking glances at Niall. 

But last night, when Niall practically attacked me after I got out of the shower, it gave me hope. Maybe he is starting to develop feelings for me, or maybe he's at least trying too. I stopped him before he took it too far though. As much as I love Niall, I don't just want to be a rebound, if we ever actually have sex I want it to be because we love each other, not because Niall is trying to get over Harry. 

But maybe he finally is over Harry. I mean why else would Niall suddenly act like he wanted me so bad. The past couple of days he's only been really touchy-feely when Harry is around. Maybe he's finally past that. 

"Liam" Niall groans in a voice that's still rough with sleep.

"What do ya want babe?" I try to say quietly, just in case he decides to fall back asleep, it's only about 10 o'clock, so he probably won't want to wake up for at least another hour. 

"Can you get me something to drink?" 

"Okay Ni, I'll be right back." I untangle myself from Niall and kiss the top of his head as he cuddles into the empty space I left. 

I walk down into the kitchen, when I hear giggling from the living room. I peer around the door frame to see who is making all of the noise. "Harry! Harry! Stop doing that! It tickles!" An attractive blond man- MAN!- is sitting on Harry's lap on the couch. Harry is playfully biting at Blondie's neck, which is where the giggling is coming from. 

Now everything makes more sense. 

Why Niall wanted me so much last night. He really didn't want ME, he wanted a distraction. 

That's all I am to him. 

A distraction. 

I need to have a chat with my boyfriend.

*Harry's POV*

Damn. For how adorable Joey is, he's extremely good in bed. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to have sex with a girl ever again, I don't understand how I've gone all these years thinking I was attracted to girls. I mean I've had girlfriends, and I enjoyed doing that kind of stuff with them, but never as much as I enjoyed last night. 

Unfortunately for me though, Joey is an early riser, he woke me up at basically the crack of dawn this morning-9:30- and now we're in the living room. 'Watching a movie' Honestly though, I don't even know which movie we're watching, I just let him pick. I've had more fun teasing him anyway. 

"Harry! Harry! Stop doing that! It tickles!" I've found his weak spot, he can't deal with anybody even touching his neck, he's super ticklish. "Harry?" Suddenly he sounds serious. 

"Yeah?" I wonder what he wants to talk about.

"Harry, I don't know about you, but, well this is kind of awkward" Joey starts blushing, "well, I'm not really ready to be in a serious relationship right now." He's looking at his hands, too embarrassed to meet my eyes. 

"That's okay Jo, I'm not either. I mean we can be friends and hang out. But I'm not really ready for a boyfriend." 

He looks really relieved. "That's awesome Harry. I'm glad we aren't going to be awkward about this." Suddenly he looks even more embarrassed.

"What is it Jo?" 

"Well, I mean, I'm not really ready for a relationship, but I AM a guy, so ya know, we could, ummm."

"Oh." I know what he's getting at now. I never imagined I'd be having this conversation with someone. Let alone a guy. "Well I'd be okay with doing that. We could just kind of be each other's... Stress relievers."

My name for it made Joey laugh again. "Okay Harry. If that's what you want to call it. That's what we'll call it." 

~End of Chapter Eleven~

Shortest, most weird chapter ever. Sorry. 

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