Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Okay! So a couple of days ago this reached 1K reads! HYFR!!! I never thought that it would get even half that! So yeah THANKS! to everyone that has been reading this story, it means A LOT!

*Harry's POV*

I took a seat on a bench by the baggage pick-up part of the airport. I pull my hat as low as it can possibly go and put my sunglasses on. I don't want anybody to figure out who I am. I'm too distracted right now. If someone asked me a question like "Who's your latest fling?" or any of the other idiotic questions paps usually asked, I would probably answer with "Niall" and then I would get yelled at by multiple people. Management. Simon. Liam. Louis. Zayn. Niall. No one would be happy with me. Hell, I wouldn't be happy with me. Talk about publicly outing someone.

Niall could land anytime and I feel more anxious than I ever have before. What am I going to do when he sees me? Will he even acknowledge my presence? Will he act excited to see me? What if he acts happy when he first sees me, and then realizes that I'm a complete asshole? What if I can't control my hormones? That has definitely been known to happen, especially when I'm around Niall. Isn't that what started this whole mess?

Oh god. I'm over thinking everything. Different scenarios keep flashing through my mind.

Niall ignoring me.

Niall hating me.

Niall loving Liam.

Niall loving someone else.


I need to stop. I need to stay positive. We will at least be friends. I can live with being just friends. Probably.

I glance at the board that says what all of the flights are doing (boarding, taking off, delayed, etc.) and suddenly the flight from Dublin switches to 'Landed'.

Holy shit.

What am I going to do?

I spend a couple of tense minutes searching for the blonde, I almost consider standing on top of the bench, but I figure that drawing attention to myself is probably not the best idea at the moment. I'm lucky no one has spotted me yet. All I see are business men/women in suits, and families with about ten kids. How difficult can it be to find one person?

Obviously, quite difficult.

*Niall's POV*

I have my hoodie pulled over my head as I get off of the plane and head to the baggage claim area, I love the fans, but I'm just not in the mood to be recognized right now. I stand right next to the convetor belt that the luggage is on, searching for my boring, uniform black bag, we can't have fans recognize our bags... that could turn out very badly. Finally I see it, recognizing the Irish flag sticker that Louis jokingly stuck on it the first time we flew together. I can't believe how much has changed since then.

I grab the bag and start searching for Zayn. I texted him almost an hour ago, surely he's here by now. I really need to talk to him and see how I should approach the whole 'Harry situation' (heheh hairy situation). What I really want to do is just go up to Harry and snog him until we both pass out, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable. At least now I know that he CAN have a thing for guys, the stupid blonde at least proved that. I'm refusing to learn his name. Wow. I'm really petty when it comes to Harry.

Ugh! Where is Zayn! My plane wasn't even early! This proves how much he cares. I'm going to give him so much shit about this. How hard is it to pick someone up from the airport? Not hard.

"Niall?" A voice timidly whispers right behind me. A voice that I recognize. What the f*ck is Harry doing here? I'm going to murder Zayn.

I turn around to talk to Harry, it has to be done eventually. "Yeah Har-" and suddenly I'm cut off by the feeling of his lips on mine.

Nothing else matters anymore. All of the times we've hurt each other, all of the pain we've caused each other is gone. Irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that we are here now. Together. His hands are massaging my shoulders, sending fiery tingles all the way down my spine. I throw my hands around his neck, trying to pull him as close as physically possible. He breaks the kiss for just a moment, just long enough to whisper, "Niall, I've missed you so much. Never leave me ever again."

"Never." I reply quickly before I start to kiss him again. This time it's slower. Less passion, more feelings. I feel needed, and... maybe loved? As our lips slowly move in sync with one another. He bites my lip, and I moan.

Just as his phone starts ringing.


He pulls away as he answers his phone, keeping one of my hands intertwined with one of his, slowly rubbing circles across it with his thumb.

"What do you want?" I laugh in a girly tone at the way he answered the phone -NO! It was not a giggle.- Suddenly his annoyed features turn to pure worry, and he drops my hand. What could be happening?! He starts pacing back and forth quickly as whoever is on the phone talks to him. His expression is getting more and more worried by the second. His carefree attitude from just seconds ago is completely gone. "We'll be there as fast as we possibly can. Just take care of him. I'll be there in a half an hour, tops." He quickly hangs up.

"What's wrong?! Is someone hurt?! Is everyone okay!? Who was on the phone?!"

Harry takes a deep breath before answering me. "That was Liam. Joey showed up at the house nearly unconscious. Somebody had attacked him. They're at the hospital."

~End of Chapter Eighteen~

So anybody that is interested should go and read my other story "Letters to Louis" its a Larry story, and I'm not sure if I want to continue with it. So go check it out and tell me whether or not I should! THANKS!!!

And btw, I probably won't update this story throught the week very often, just because the chapters take a LONG time to write and think through and everything. So don't be surprised if it only gets updated on the weekends. okay sorry for the super-long A/N!!!

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