Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

*Harry's POV*

My alarm clock rings. UGHHH. I should probably get out of bed. I mean it is 10 o'clock. Plus I want to look decent for Niall's and my day together. Our day together. I jump out of bed and start getting my stuff together to take a shower.

Forty-five minutes later I'm out of the shower, dressed and everything. I head downstairs to see if any of the other lads are up yet.

"Liam give me some!" I can here Niall's demanding voice when I'm only half way to the kitchen.

"Niall, you can't eat the pancakes until I'm finished. If you wait I promise I'll make yours extra special" Liam's voice always sounds so gentle when he's talking to Niall. 

"Fine. I'll wait." I walk into the kitchen to see Niall pouting as he leans against the counter; he really is a little kid when it comes to food. Liam is at the stove, flipping pancakes. 

"Ni, where do ya want to go first today?" I ask him, "It's a Friday so the shops will probably be pretty crowded, so maybe we should just bring a picnic lunch to one of the parks around. Then we won't have to deal with fans." I love the fans, but sometimes they do get just a bit annoying.

Niall looks a little taken by surprised, "A picnic?"

"Yeah. Why? If you really wanted to shop I guess we could go, I just thought we would get bothered less if we went to somewhere a bit more private." I didn't understand why he looked so surprised.

"No, we can go to a park. I was just... um... I just heard it was going to rain today, that's all." Niall looked embarrassed now. "When do you want to leave?"

"Whenever you're ready. I just have to grab some sunglasses and a hat and I'm ready to go. Probably in the next half hour though." I wanted there to be time to actually talk, and maybe visit a couple places.

"That's fine, I'll... Um... I'll just finish eating breakfast and get a hoody on and I'll be ready to go." I wonder what he was so nervous about.

*Niall's POV*

A picnic. He's taking me on a picnic. With just us two. Alone. He didn't want to be interrupted by fans. What if? No. Harry isn't like that. He doesn't want to be alone with me, at least not in the way I keep thinking of. He probably just is feeling too lazy to deal with fans today. That's probably it.

"Niall? Are you sure you don't want to tell me what's going on between you and Harry?" Liam looks concerned as he puts a plate in front of me with a large stack of pancakes. I smile as I see that he drew a smiley face with whipped cream on top of them.

"I'm fine Liam. I promise." I try to smile at him reassuringly right before I start shoving food into my mouth. I groan in pleasure at the taste. "Liam! You make the best pancakes ever! You should just quit the band and become my personal chef!"

Thirty minutes later I'm sitting in the passenger's side of Harry's car. I would ask him which park we're going to exactly but a small part of me still is pretending this is a real date, and that small part wants to be surprised at where we are going. I know that thinking like that is stupid. That it's only going to make my crush on Harry bigger, and that it'll only hurt worse when he acts like we are just friends, like we can only ever just be friends.

But I don't care anymore. Or at least I'm telling myself that I don't care anymore. If I want to pretend like I'll ever have a chance to actually be with Harry then that's what I'm going to do.

We finally reach a very secluded park. There are only a few moms with young children playing at a very old and rickety swing set. I step out of the car while Harry fumbles around in the backseat. He comes out with a huge picnic basket. He actually put some effort into preparing for today. I thought he would just wrap up some sandwiches and grab a couple bags of crisps.

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