Chapter Twenty-Four

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who's reading this :)

Chapter Twenty-Four

*Niall's POV*

I slowly walk up to the park bench that we ate at during our 'friends day'. I can't decide if my memories of that day are happy or sad. On one hand I don't know if I've ever had so much fun with just one other person in my entire life, but on the other hand, the way that day ended left me so heartbroken that I still get upset thinking about it. 

Speaking of Harry, where is he? I'm only 5 minutes early, surely he should be here by now. I get to the bench and all I see is a red envelope sitting on the bench. I pick up the envelope and turn it around, Niall is printed in Harry's messy handwriting. I open up the envelope, bursting with curiosity at what I'm going to find. I laughed slightly as I read the message. 

C'mon, C'mon and come find me. Follow the envelopes through the woods. Don't take too long, you never know, I might Change My Mind.  

I looked around, and sure enough on a tree not too far away there was another red envelope. I carefully folded the first message back up. These messages are definitely one thing that I'm going to want to keep. I got to the next tree and quickly took the sheet of paper out of the envelope. 

It's Gotta Be You that finds these, no one else understands me like you do. 

I folded that back up too, I think I'm going to want to save all of these. The little path continued, the envelopes were always just in sight of the last tree, far enough away that I had to walk for a little bit, but close enough to where it was impossible for me to get lost. All of the envelopes had cute little messages about our feelings for each other. Some of them were funny, some were the sweetest things I have ever heard. All of them had our song titles in them.

I Wish that I could tell everybody in the entire universe that you are Taken. 

Baby if you're ever lost, if you're ever confused, just remember that I Would always come Back for You.

I was Up All Night wondering how I was so lucky. 

You've Stole My Heart, but Ni, you can keep it.

It must of taken him hours to come up with all of these. Without even realizing it, I must of been walking in a circle, because after about a half an hour of following the path the cards made I found myself almost directly in front of the same park bench as earlier. The only difference is now the bench is surrounded by flower petals and candles. There's a blanket spread across the ground right in front of the bench, with a picnic basket. Sitting on the picnic basket is one last envelope, this one golden. 

Trying to keep myself from crying, I slowly pick the envelope up. I tear open the paper slowly, not wanting to even wrinkle it. 

Now turn around, and let me Kiss You.

I turn around and I feel familiar lips on mine.

*Harry's POV* 

I wrap my arms around Niall, resting my hands on his shoulders, and try to pull him as close as physically possible. His hands are massaging my head in a way that should be sinful. If kissing was an Olympic sport, Niall would win the gold. Soon we are both out of breath, and I pull away slowly. 

"Did you like my surprise?" I ask softly. It took me forever to come up with this idea, I wasn't even completely sure that everything was going to work out. 

Niall smiles at me cheekily before answering, "Way too much walking, but other than that it was amazing."

"Well hopefully all of that walking made you hungry, because I have more than enough food." 

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