Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen 

*Harry's POV*   

I'm standing at the back of one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen. Almost every single person I know is there too, standing and looking towards the front of the church. I try to move so that I can see between everyone, but my feet are stuck to the ground. That's when I hear a voice coming from the front. 

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the coming together of two lives into one" Suddenly there is a shift in the crowd and I can see the couple standing together, holding hands. Liam and Niall, Niall is smiling at Liam as if he is the only other person in the world, as if Liam WAS his world. He was staring at Liam the way he should stare at me. The man officiating the ceremony's voice suddenly got louder. "If anybody has a valid reason as to why these two beautiful people shouldn't be able to get married, speak now, or forever hold your piece." (A/N peace? piece? I don't know the right word to put there... oops) 

I tried to yell out. I tried to scream that Niall and Liam weren't right for each other, that I loved Niall, but I couldn't. The words refused to come out. I sat there the rest of the ceremony, silently crying to myself. This was all my fault. If I would have told Niall my feelings sooner maybe none of this would've happened. Maybe that would be ME there. Maybe I would be sitting there, smiling at Niall as if we were the only two people in the world. 

I woke up in a cold sweat. I had to tell Niall how I felt. I might lose him forever when I do, but at this point I don't care. This might screw up the band, but I think it already has. I don't want to take the chance and have us all drift apart more than we already have. I need to talk to Niall, and if he says he loves Liam then I'll leave him alone, I'll let him be happy. Probably.

If, by some weird chance, he says he likes me too, I'll make sure that Liam is only mad at me, but I probably won't have to worry about it. What are the chances of Niall actually having feelings for me. If he did he would've told me so when I came and talked to him after our first kiss. 

I roll out of my bed and threw a shirt and some pants on. I need to talk to Niall, as fast as possible. I ran down the hall and knock on Niall's bedroom door, the door isn't locked so I just walk in. The bed is empty, and it's actually made, which is enough proof for me that Niall hasn't been in here for awhile. He's probably in Liam's room. I forgot, he does have a boyfriend.

At this point I don't care, I stumble down one flight of stairs, almost tripping half way down, and run to Liam's room. I quietly push open the door, maybe if Niall is in there I can wake him up without waking up Liam. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness, and when I make out Liam alone on the bed I'm really confused. Where else could Niall be? I check the time on my phone. It's 6:00 in the morning? I don't think I've ever seen Niall awake at 6 in the morning unless we were traveling or we were having an early-morning interview, and then he was grouchy and refused to do anything productive or helpful. 

I check the living room, the kitchen, and every other room in the house except for Louis' and Zayn's. He's nowhere to be found. Where could he even go?! I quietly push open the door to Zayn's room, maybe Niall and Liam got in a fight and he went into Zayn's room to hide. Unfortunately, Zayn is alone on his bed. I can't keep looking for him by myself. I tip-toe into the room.

"Zayn? Zayn get up!" I try to shove his shoulders gently. 

"wadudoin leevemehalone" Zayn mumbles, still mostly asleep. 

"Zayn I can't find Niall!" My voice sounds desperate, even to me. Zayn's eyes open, and a guilty expression appears on his face. He grabs his phone from the nightstand and checks the time.

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