Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven
So this is going to be short. Sorry.

*Harry's POV*

The feeling of cold sheets as I rolled over woke me up.

Wait? Why are the sheets cold? What happened to Niall?

Niall. Last night had been one of the best nights of my entire life. Definitely the best date. I can connect with Niall in a way that I've never been able to do with any of my past girlfriends. Even his annoying habits make me feel more endeared towards him.

But why is he not still cuddling with me? I don't understand.

Unless he regretted something about our relationship. Maybe I pushed him too fast. Maybe the trail was too mushy. Maybe only girls like that kind of stuff.

I roll out of bed, determined to find him. I don't even bother with any more clothes, all the people who live here have basically seen me naked all ready. Plus I have boxers, so what's the big deal.

Deciding to check the main floor first, I head down the stairs.

"Aaahhhhggg!" I hear a frustrated yell come from the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen to the the blonde lad leaning against the counter, there's a pan full of what might be scrambled eggs sitting next to him, it's kind of hard to tell what they are exactly.

"Having difficulties?" I ask Niall playfully.

"Shut up Harry."

I retrieve the milk and the carton of eggs back from the fridge, "Well? Do you want my help or not?"

Niall smiles at me. "Okay, you can try to help, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong!"

I empty the questionable eggs into the trash and grab a new mixing bowl and the whisk. "Well how about we go through this step-by-step and we'll just have to see where you went wrong."

Niall looks embarrassed before he looks up gives me a slight nod.

I start using a slight French accent, "Velcome to Harry's cooking class today. On the menu today iz... scrambled eggs!" Niall laughs just a little at my monologue.

"Ze first step to making ze perfect scrambled eggs iz cracking ze eggs into a bowl." I proceed to do this in a very over the top kind of way, barely managing to keep the shells from cracking off into the bowl.

"Ze next step is to add in just a small amount of milk."

Niall interrupts me, "That's what I did wrong! For some reason I thought it was oil. Ugh. I'm stupid sometimes."

I continue with my chef-persona, "Do not worry, it happenz to ze best of us. The good news iz though, now that we know what you did wrong, you can go ahead and help me!"

"Thank god! I was worried you were going to finish preparing our meal and all I would have to do is just sit and watch!"

"Vell now you will have have to help me whisk the mixture together. I don't think I can manage it on my own."

Niall pills the bowl on front of him, grabs the whisk, and begins to quickly mix together the eggs and the milk.

I go up right behind him and bend down to whisper in his ear, "I think it works better like this." I curl my hands around him, taking ahold of his hand that was grasping the whisk, slightly changing the angle at which he's whisking. "There ya go babe, now you have it."

We finish making breakfast, joking and flirting with each other the entire time.

Just as we are starting to eat our breakfast, Zayn walks into the room with a somber expression on his face.

"Liam just called. Joey has just woken up."

~End of Chapter Twenty-Seven~

Sorry if this seems like a complete filler! I've been really busy. I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to update this weekend. I have A LOT going on, but I'll try too!!!

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