Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Read the A/N at the end. All of it. It's important!!!!!

*Niall's POV*

Harry was agitated. You could tell by the way that he was sitting at the table. His shoulders were all tense. I sneak up behind him and start rubbing the knots out of his shoulders. "Baby it's going to be okay."

"How do you know that Niall?" He has started to relax a little bit from my massage.

"Because we have each other. And that's the only thing that matters."

"I just want to see him, I don't see why Liam is so convinced that he's not ready for visitors. I mean I know him ten times better than Liam does. Plus it's been two whole days since he first woke up. How much rest does he really need?"

I'm proud of the way I don't even get jealous when he mentions how well he knows Joey, or not that jealous at least. "Liam is protective of people he cares about, Harry, he would probably be the same way if you ever got hurt."

Harry stands up out of the chair, he takes my chin is his hands as he backs me up against the wall. His voice is soft and secretive as he whispers into my ear. "If you were hurt Liam wouldn't be able to keep me out of your room with armed guards." 

"If I were hurt I wouldn't let you leave me anyway." The way Harry's eyes twinkle when we get this close make me want to just cuddle up against him for the rest of the day, but just as I'm about to suggest doing just that Harry's phone makes that annoying beep sound that he stubbornly refuses to change.

He grimaces. "If that's management I'm going to ignore it." I reach around his body and grab his phone out of his back pocket. 

"It's from Liam!" I type his password into his phone so that I can see what the message says. "He says that we should come to the hospital to visit Joey!"

"What!? That's awesome! Let's go!" Harry excitedly grabs his car keys from the counter and heads towards that door. 


"What Niall?! We should go see him, Liam's finally decided to be reasonable!"

"Harry you should probably put a pair of pants on, unless you want a bunch of middle-aged nurses to get all flustered." 

Harry looks down at his half-dressed body and immediately turns red. "That... That is probably a good idea." He smirks up at me before heading towards the stairs. "Wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong medicine or anything."

My boyfriend is an idiot. An adorable idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.


A more than a half an hour later we're sitting outside Joey's hospital room, both of us fully clothed. "Harry do you want me to come in with you?" I don't think he has any feelings for Joey, but if he does I don't want him to regret me coming with him. 

Harry grabs me hand tightly. "Niall I want you with me. Always."

"Well then I guess you're just going to have to deal with me always then. You're officially stuck with me."

He opens the door and we both are taken aback by what we find. Joey is on his bed, peacefully sleeping. But so is Liam. 

Harry's mouth is hanging open. "Is this a thing?" He whispers to me as quietly as he possibly can.

"I don't really know. Do you think this is why Liam didn't want us to come to the different hospital?"

Harry just kind of shrugs, he still looks shocked. "Do you think we should wake them up?"

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