Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

*Niall's POV*

"Niall. You need to tell me the truth." Liam startled me awake.

"What are you talking about Li?"

"Tell me if you could ever actually have feelings for me." He has a cold look in his eyes.

"Of course I have feelings for you. You're my boyfriend!"

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that. Tell me that you're not just using me as a distraction from Harry."

Oh God. He knows. How could he know?

"Niall, this isn't the way to deal with this. You can't just kiss me every time that Harry is around, or try to jump me when Harry brings someone home. That isn't how relationships work!" A single tear streaks down Liam's cheek. "It isn't fair to either one of us Niall. You need to talk to Harry, or you need to get over Harry. Those are the only options."

"I... I know Liam. I'm- I'm working on it." I can't even look him in the eye.

Liam turns to leave, "And Niall?"

"Yeah?" He's probably going to tell me that he hates me. I deserve it. I used him.

"Niall, if you ever get over Harry, I'll still be here." He closes the door quietly behind him.

I know in order to even try to get over Harry I'm going to have to talk to him. I need to explain my feelings to him.

But how am I going to talk to Harry? What would I even say? 'Oh yeah Harry, I've just kind of been in love with you for the last week and a half and you should be my boyfriend.' Because that totally would work. I need to find a way that I can kind of tell him my feelings, but when he tells me that he could never be with me like that it won't get awkward.

I guess I could try to go and find him, but I should probably take a shower first.

A half an hour later I'm slowly going down the stairs, trying to think of a way to put my feelings into words that could actually make sense to another human being. I walk through the kitchen, but stop as soon as I can see the living room.

I forgot about Blondie. They're sleeping on the couch, all snuggled up together. I'm so stupid. I completely forgot about what I saw last night before Liam got out of the shower, Harry and the blond giggling and stumbling up the stairs, the way Harry had him pushed up against his door, and the way Harry carried him into his room.

I need somebody to talk to. I can't talk to Harry, he has a boyfriend now. I can't talk to Liam, not even I am THAT unsensitive. I can't talk to Louis, he's too close to Harry, I don't want to make him feel as if he has to choose between his bestfriend and one of his bandmates. Zayn. He's the only one that might actually understand.

I immediately go up to Zayn's room and knock on the door, hopefully he's here. "Zayn?"

"Come in!"

I walk into Zayn's room. "Niall, what's wrong?" Wow. I must be really easy to read.

Out of nowhere everything hit me. Everything I've done wrong. Kissing Harry. Falling for Harry. Using Liam. "Oh Zayn! Zayn I've messed up everything!" I can't hold back the emotions anymore. Zayn runs up and wraps his arms around me as I sob into his shoulders.

"It can't be that bad Niall, I'm sure it's not that bad. We can fix it, I promise." I tell him everything. How Harry and I kissed, twice. How Harry left me at that park, and how Liam comforted me. How I was in love with Harry, and how I used Liam as a distraction.

"See Zayn? We can't fix it. I've ruined everything, now Harry and Liam are both going to hate me, the bands going to break up, and Harry is going to marry the stupid blonde!"

"Niall. I think you might be overreacting just a bit." He stops for a little bit, fixing his eyes out into the distance, deep in thought. "We're going to fix this. It might take awhile, and it might be extremely difficult, but we will fix it. I promise."



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