Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

*Liam's POV*

I wake up before Niall the next morning, and he's still cuddling up next to me.

As I watch him sleep (in the least creepy way possible, I promise.) I decide something. If I needed to make Niall forget about the arsehole, then we needed to go on a date. A proper date. Not like the arsehole and Niall's 'friend day' that ended with my best friend crying his eyes out on a park bench alone. 

But where should I take him? We all know Niall has a healthy appetite, but I don't just want to take him to a restaurant. That's very unimaginative and boring. He loves romantic movies. But we can't just go to the movies, we'd probably be bombarded by fans. I'm kind of hoping that he might want some privacy, if you know what I mean. 

Then, out of nowhere, I get the most perfect idea.

I could make him supper. (Food:Check) Then we could go watch the Titanic (Classic Romance Movie: Check) in the living room. (Privacy: Check)

Now I just have to find a way to get rid of the other lads. Zayn should be easy to get rid of, he'll probably be at Perrie's anyway. But El is on vacation, so Louis can't go hang out with her. Maybe I could forcefully suggest that Lou and the arsehole go out. They have been kind of drifting apart lately too. I'll just convince Louis to take it somewhere and then lock the doors for a couple hours. Problem solved.

It's only 8:30. I have at least another two hours, maybe two and a half, before Niall wakes up. I untangle myself from the sleeping mass as gently as I possibly can, and tip-toe out of the room. When I reach the living room Zayn is laying on the couch with his feet over the armrest and Louis is on the love seat.

"Guys. I need to ask you a favor."

"Yeah?" Louis asked, Zayn doesn't even bother with a response, he just nods, eyes still glued on the TV set.

"Well, Niall's kind of been having a rough couple of days and I think he needs a break." They both look completely confused, they're so oblivious sometimes! "Well I was going to make him some of his favorite food and watch movies and stuff with him this afternoon. But I want him to feel like he can talk to me, and I think it would be awkward if you guys were all here. So I was wondering if you guys would mind, ya know, making yourself scarce this afternoon?" Okay, so maybe talking to him isn't the only thing I want to do in private, but what they don't know won't hurt them.  

"Yeah mate that's fine. I was planning on going to Perrie's pretty soon anyway." I totally called it.

"Where should I go Li? El's on vacation with her family!" Louis whines.

"Well, when's the last time you and Harry hung out together, just the two of you? You guys used to be really close." Please take the arsehole, PLEASE take the arsehole!

"You're right! I'll go ask him!" THANK GOD! Good thing Louis is easy to persuade.

Now all I have to do is wait for them all to leave, make supper, watch a movie, and make Niall fall in love with me. Sounds easy enough. 

*Harry's POV*

"Haz! Where do you want to go?" I'm sitting in the car with Louis after we had looked around in the shops for a couple hours.

"I don't really care Lou. Why'd Liam want us to leave anyway?"

"I don't now really, he just told me and Zayn something about needing to talk to Niall about something or another, and that he didn't want us to get in the way. Hey! What if we went to that park you're always talking about, the one your mom took you to as a kid? It's somewhere around here isn't it?"

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