Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I'm dedicating this chapter to lau_guitarstar for being the most supportive and awesome best friend who has ever lived. Ever.

*Harry POV*

“Okay! Prove it Horan!” I have this in the bag. Niall’s way too shy about this kind of stuff. He’ll probably pull away in five seconds. Tops.

I start leaning towards Niall, time slows down as we get closer and closer to each other. When just a few inches separate us he closes his eyes with a nervous expression on his face. I can tell that Niall is just seconds away from pulling back. We continue to get closer.

Then our lips touch.

I immediately forget about the game as I feel Niall’s soft, warm lips touch my own. My mouth is on fire. I can feel the passion as our lips move in sync with each other. He licks my bottom lip, asking for permission, and when I open my mouth our tongues are suddenly battling for dominance. I start getting annoyed with how far below me Niall is, how much I have to lean down to reach him. I pick the blonde up and set him on the table. His legs wrap around my waist and the Irish lad moans as I take control of the kiss. My knees feel weak, that had to have been the sexiest sound I had ever heard. I put my hands under his shirt, feeling the smooth skin of his back. Niall’s hands are running through my hair when suddenly I realize what’s happening.

I stop and start backing away. Everybody that had been playing the game with us is either staring at them gaping in amazement, or looking away, probably feeling embarrassed at what they had witnessed. Niall had a shocked and guilty look on his face.

That couldn’t have happened. I would never do that. Niall would never do that. Niall and I. Wouldn’t. Do. That. I started pinching myself. Trying to wake up from this nightmare. I was straight. I had always been straight. I would always be straight. I started backing away again, faster this time. I needed air. Yeah. Air. That’s all I needed. The alcohol had gotten to my head. I had just got caught in the heat of the moment. So had Niall. We’ll laugh about this tomorrow morning.

I look up; I had unconsciously walked out of the club and onto the streets. Thank god that the crowd from earlier was mostly gone. I checked the time on my phone, 1:00 am. I decided to call a cab. I didn’t want to bother the guys, or have to explain why I wanted to leave. I quickly text Liam that I'm leaving so that he won't have a panic attack later, and then hop into the cab. I’ll just go home and pretend none of this ever happened.

*Niall’s POV*  

That was the most mind-blowing kiss I had ever experienced. Well actually it was one of the only kisses I had ever experienced. My heart was still pounding, like I’d just finished sprinting an entire marathon. I had lost myself in that kiss. My entire body had caught on fire, had been so full of passion that I completely forgot about the stupid game. Harry and I had been the only people in the world. The only people that mattered.

When Harry had pulled away I felt like somebody had taken away my oxygen, but when I saw Harry’s disgusted expression it had felt like somebody had taken my heart and snapped it into about a trillion pieces. I had felt something, something more than just lust, when we had kissed. Obviously Harry had not.

And that is why I was now sitting at the bar, alone with my thoughts and several pints of beer that I had finished. I wasn’t what Harry wanted anyway. I didn’t have a small waist with a curvy butt. I didn’t have – I shuddered at the thought – boobs. I didn’t have long hair, and I didn’t smell like flowers after I got out of the shower. I was a man, with a crush on his straight best friend. How cliché.

At almost three in the morning Liam came and found me, he could probably tell that I was upset, Liam is just like that. He can automatically tell what kind of mood someone is in after like 3.5 seconds. Even if he doesn't know them. He stared at me for a second. "Niall?" He asked softly, "Niall it's time to go." I decide to not argue and just slide off the bar stool. I lean on Liam, too drunk and too upset to stand up by myself.

When we get into the limo I put my head on Liam's lap, I wonder if Harry hates me now. He probably does. He probably thinks I'm just some stupid fag. We finally pull up to the house. I hurry up the two flights of stairs to get to my room before Liam or Zayn can talk to me. Louis had gone home with Eleanor, so at least I don't have to worry about him thinking that I'm crazy.

I walk past Harry's room, the door is closed, and I can here soft music coming from under the door. For a moment I think that it might be a good idea to try to go and talk to him, try to convince him that it was just a heat-of-the-moment thing, but I don't think I can do that. I'm too much of a wimp, too much of a coward. He probably would be able to tell that I was lying anyway. I give up on the thought of going and talking to him, and just go straight to my room. 

Stripping out of my clothes, I lay down. I cocoon myself into the soft duvet cover on my bed and try to think of anything but the sight of Harry's disgust that I see every single time I close my eyes. Silent tears stream down my cheeks as I try to convince myself that I don't have a crush on one of my best friends. 

~End of Chapter Two~

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