Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One                                                                                                                                          Sorry that it's mostly been from Liam and Joey's POVs recently, it's funny cause I was ONLY going to focus on Narry... but Jiam kind of just happened. Liam needs someone... if you want me to go back to focusing on Narry just tell me!

*Liam's POV*

"Do you think that he remembers anything?" I give Doctor Shaw a pleading look.

"Well with any head injuries we pretty much have to go through everything case-by-case, there are not really any definites. The brain is both a very delicate and a very sturdy organ, it all just depends on exactly what happens." 

"So it's possible for him to remember?"

"Well yes, what we will have to do is talk to him, as soon as possible, and see what he remembers. Then we will just have to continue to see what happens every couple of days, if he doesn't remember much right now his memory might slowly come back to him, or it might not ever come  back, we're just going to have to watch and give him the best care possible."

"Ok. Ok, I can do that." I feel this urge to protect Joey, like if he was a helpless child, or an abandoned puppy. "Do you want to come and see if he is awake now?" 

"I just finished all my rounds, so that actually sounds like it's a good idea. Let's go to his room." 

Dr. Shaw and I head straight to Joey's room, right after Dr. Shaw stops by the nurses' station and grabs Joey's records. When we step into his room Joey is laying down, but his eyes are barely open.

Dr. Shaw notices right away that his patient is awake, "Good Morning Mr. Graceffa, would you mind chatting with me for a bit?"

Joey pauses for a moment. "Ummm, No, I guess not."

"Wonderful." He stops to look down at his papers for a second. "I'll start with a few simple questions. What's your name?" 

"Joey Graceffa."

"Good, when is your birthday?" 

"May 16th, 1991"

"Do you know what year it is?"

"It's 2013."

"Awesome. Do you remember what happened the night you got hurt?"

This question Joey took a little bit longer to answer, "I-- I don't think I do."

"Well do you remember where you were at?"

"I remember driving to Liam's house, but I was already hurt at that point."

"That's fine, do you have any idea who was the one to hurt you? Was it just one person, or was it a group?"

"I don't know who it was."

"No idea at all?" 


"Okay. Well you're probably tired of my questioning for today. I'll try to be back again tomorrow, if you remember anything either write it down or tell someone right away, okay?"

"Ok. Will do, thank you Doctor." After hearing Joey's goodbye, Dr. Shaw left the room. There was somewhat of an awkward silence between us. After spending so much time with him, even though he was unconcious, I feel like I have a connection with him. I keep forgetting though, that he doesn't remember the weeks he' been in the hospital, he probably thinks that I'm some sort of creeper that likes watching unconscious men in hospital rooms. Joey is just sitting staring at a wall awkwardly before finally asking me "Are Niall and Harry a legitimate couple yet?"

"Uh... Yeah. I think they are."

"How can you not know for sure?"


"C'mon Liam, you're not really one to just not pay attention to stuff like that. Especially when it comes to those two."

"Well honestly, I haven't really been at home that much okay!"

"Oh... Where have you been?" Joey looks genuinely curious. I shouldn't of even mentioned anything about me not being home often these last couple of weeks.

"Here." I look down, embarrassed to be embarrassed about spending so much time at the hospital even though I don't really know him all that well.

"Oh. You've been here the whole time?! I just thought you happened to be here when I woke up! I didn't realize that..." Joey stopped talking and looked as if he was trying to figure something out.

"No. No, I've been here pretty much the whole time."

"Well that's really sweet of you." Joey concentrates on his hands. "The singing? Was it you?"

"Ummm... Yeah. Yeah the singing was me." Niether one of us is even attempting to look at the other. 

"I... I... Kind of assumed that it was Harry. I don't know why, I guess he's the only person here that I'm close too that I know can sing."

I decide to try and change the subject, "Speaking of people you know, do you have any family nearby? We tried to contact some people, your home number and such, but we couldn't get ahold of anybody." 

Joey visibly paled when I mentioned his home number. "No." I think he was just going to end with that, when he realized that he hadn't really answered my question. "No, I don't have any family around here. They all live back in the States actually." He stopped for another few seconds. "They disowned me when I came out" He had tears in his eyes. I've never seen Joey upset before, any other time that I've been around him, while he was awake, he seemed like a bubbly, happy person. He was always joking around and laughing with Harry, I bet he's the type of person that rarely even gets slightly sad, let alone cries. 

I decide to try and comfort him, and I go up next to him and grab ahold of his hand. "Joey, it's okay. Everything will be okay."

"You don't know that. There's no way you can know that." He pulls me down closer and starts to sob into my sleeve, I decide to risk looking like a complete creeper, I take a seat on the edge of his bed and wrap both of my arms around him, letting him cry into my shoulders.

"But I do know that Joey, I know that a person as wonderful as you can't be destined for anything but a happily ever after. It might take a little bit, but it's bound to happen eventually."

I continue to let Joey expel his sadness onto my shirt. After a while he stops, but I don't get up. I just sit in his hospital bed and continue to hold him. Just when I think he is asleep I hear the most quiet whisper, "Thank you"

Soon after, I fall asleep, once again holding a beautiful man in my arms that will never truly be mine.

*Joey's POV* 

What have I done? Oh god what have I done?

~End of Chapter Thirty-One~                                                                                                                    I can't even begin to believe how many reads this story has gottan!! It has about a thousand times more than I ever thought would even maybe read it! Thank you guys for reading! Especially those of you that comment a lot, because comments, when they aren't asking stupid questions or making stupid comments like "Being gay is wrong" totally make my day!!!! Thanks!!!         

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