Part 1

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*This chapter is dedicated to my good friend Haley who is editing all my chapters cause I very much suck at it. So thanks boo*

Thea's PoV

It was a sunny afternoon, and I sat with my knees pulled to my chest as I stared out over the peaceful lake. This is where I spent most of my time here in Alexandria. The only place to get away from the people and the awful flashbacks that haunt my mind every time I try to sleep.

I've been in Alexandria for about a week now. A week to long in my opinion. Although the people here were delusional, at least they weren't trying to wage a war with an outside group. It was also a nice get away from the flesh-eating monsters lurking outside of the walls that surrounded the town.

With a sigh, I closed my eyes and let the quietness of my surroundings wash over me. Well that was until an unwelcomed voice disturbed my peace. A loud yell ripped across the lake and into my ears. It sounded like it was coming from the main gates. Either something was wrong or Aaron finally returned with new arrivals.

I silently moved to where the entrance of Alexandria was. Well, the preferred entrance, not my entrance. When I caught sight of the gates, I hunched down and observed. A large group of around 14 people and a baby stood with their weapons drawn. By the looks of them, they've been on their own for a while.

I scanned the crowd and only a couple people really stood out to me. A man with a large beard who looked liked the leader, a lean and muscular guy that held a crossbow, and a boy about my age who stood towards the back holding the baby. I couldn't really tell much about him. His face was hidden by a sheriff's hat on his head of greasy brown hair and his body was fitted with a baseball tee with a flannel over top. Wait, I've seen some of those people before.

Back when I lived in Woodbury. The woman with the sword slung over her back was Michonne. She's the one that finally put an end to the Governor's daughter, Penny. I liked her during the few times we talked. She was quiet and observing. I had trusted her then. Maybe, I could trust her now if she remembered me.

Another one I recognized was Daryl Dixon. The younger brother to the infamous Merle Dixon. I had never really talked to Daryl. Most of his responses were grunts. I was there to witness him and his brother escaping during a supposed fight to the death. I hadn't seen either of them since. Merle was crazy about his brother. All he talked about was saving him. I guess he finally did, and there he was, but no Merle. I had to assume the worst. Which was a total bummer, because Merle is the reason I'm still breathing today.

   The next two were Glenn and Maggie. I was there when they were captured and tortured for information. I was forced to. I was there to help them escape. They were good people. I talked to Glenn the most. I had admired him.

   The last one I knew was Rick. He was the one that called the shots way back then. Still does now, apparently. He wanted me to come with them; back to their home. I got separated from him and the others. That's how I ran into Rory. 

I decided to keep hidden. It's better to observe these new people before introducing myself. If I even did. I might not stay to much longer. They looked promising though. Anyone who could survive for a long time out there is alright by me. They know what it takes and hopefully wont be fooled by the people here. Maybe I'll stick around long enough to see what they do here. Maybe they'll turn this place around. That is, if Deanna lets them stay.

I watched as Aaron lead them to a couple vacant houses after they were made to give up their weapons. That's where they'll be staying unless they get kicked out. They'll be evaluated tonight for sure.

Once they were all out of sight, I slipped out of my hiding place and roamed the streets until dark. That's when I stole away to my own assigned house. I did technically share it, but the girl who I was living with got eaten out on a supply run. Such a shame. Although, I now have an empty house and a master bedroom. There was also a warm shower calling my name. I guess living here wasn't all bad.

In the morning, I woke to the bright light shining through my window. I sat up groggily and reluctantly got out of bed to get my measly breakfast. I tried not eat much so I didn't have to visit the food storage to get more. Too much social interaction in that.

To my disappointment, I was out of food. Wait, there was a granola bar in my bag. I grabbed it and munched on it while I gathered my other supplies I needed when I go beyond the walls. A rule that I constantly break here in Alexandria. I venture out at my own risk to scavenge for food and other useful items when I run low. It gets me supplies and out from below those stuffy walls. I also felt more at home in the woods.


Getting over the wall was the easy part. Not getting seen, now that was harder. I had to spend a solid five minutes making sure that the coast was clear. Nonetheless, I got over the wall without being seen and was now walking aimlessly through the woods with a knife drawn.

I walked steadily for maybe an hour before I realized that maybe I hopped the wall seen. It felt like someone was following me. The footsteps were heavy, but not sloppy like a biters. I memorized the foot pattern of those creatures.

I gritted my teeth and hid behind a tree, hoping whoever was on my trail kept on going. When I peeked out from behind the trunk to get a better look. I saw my pursuer. It's the new boy from yesterday. The one with the hat. I rolled my eyes. What could he possibly be doing out here? Oh that's right; stalking me. I'll teach this kid a lesson.

I waited until I heard his footsteps grow incredibly close to my tree, then I pounced. I used my full body weight to tackle him to the ground. I put my knife to his throat so he wouldn't move. His eyes were wide in fear and his adam's apple moved up in down as he forcefully swallowed.

"Why are you following me?" I growled. He gulped again and slowly raised his hands in surrender.

"I saw you go over the wall. I wanted to know where you were going," he muttered shakily. I huffed and decided to let the poor boy up.

"Go back. I'm fine out here by myself. I prefer it that way actually," I told him before walking away. I heard him shuffle his feet before following after me. I groaned and turned around to face him with my hands on my hips. He stopped and tried to hide the faint smile on his lips.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily," he said stubbornly. I scoffed. I can't believe this kid. He doesn't even know me. When I was about to reject him again, the gruesome growling of biters lurked behind me. I whirled around to find three stumbling towards us. I gripped my knife tightly and waited for them to get closer. The boy came up beside with his own knife in his hand. I bit my lip and turned to the closest biter.

I kicked in its knee to make it fall, then swiftly drove my dagger into its skull. Looking over, I saw New Kid taking out another one. Which meant that there was still one on its way towards us. I was going to kill it myself before he beat me to it. He's trying to show off and I wanted to stab him along with the biter.

When he finished, he gave me a challenging smile. Daring me to try and send him back. I rubbed a hand over my face. This boy was giving me a headache.

"Fine you can come, but be quiet and listen to everything I tell you. I've done this before. You haven't," I told him reluctantly. A large smile spread across his face. I rolled my eyes at him again and continued in the direction I was going previously.

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