Part 15

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Thea's PoV

Everything was going smoothly. We walked for maybe a half hour when Rick stopped us in a small clearing by the pond. Carl, Michonne, and I stood with our backs to Rick and the others on guard, just in case. I listened in on their conversation as best as I could.

Apparently, Gabriel was going to take Judith to the church to be safe, while the rest of us would keep going. We needed to figure out a way to lure all these walkers back out of Alexandria. I looked back at them and almost spoke up, telling Jessie to make Sam go with Gabriel. He was terrified before we even got started, there's no way he'll make it through the actual hard part. He was a liability.

Somehow, he convinced his mom and Rick to let him stay. I gave Carl a worried look as I grabbed his hand again. We were getting back into our line formation now that Gabriel had disappeared into the crowd of walkers. Instead of getting Sam's hand, I got Jessie's hand. I looked behind me to see Carl offering Ron his free hand.I had to turn away, so I wouldn't start laughing. At least he was trying to make an effort to be civil with him. I would have killed him already.


We had been walking for quite some time now. Night had fallen. Everything was going according to plan. We kept our heads low, and shuffled along like we were walkers ourselves. By now, I had gotten used to the smell of the blood all over me and the decaying bodies that occasionally brushed past me as they passed.

We were nearing the gates when Sam suddenly stepped out of line. Jessie immediately stopped and begged him to get back in line. He had tears in his eyes and absolutely refused. He wanted to go home. I looked up at Rick worriedly when Sam didn't even listen to him. Carl gripped my hand tightly. I looked around at all the walkers. If we didn't get him under control, they would know that he wasn't one of them and strike. Sam began to cry and speak louder. This was all too much for him.

Then I watched in horror as my fears became real. A walker came up behind Sam and clamped it's jaws on the top of Sam's head. The blood curdling scream that he let out pierced my ears and sent shivers down my spine. The blood gushed from the wound and more walkers came. They began tearing him to pieces right in front of us.

Jessie was in hysterics. Her screams and cries for her lost son was soon drowned out by growls and the tearing of flesh. Rick turned to her, to try and get her to keep moving. We needed to get out of here.

It was too late. She let herself be surrounded. She stood still and quiet as the monsters ripped her apart. I tried to get away from her, but she still had an iron grip on my hand. I couldn't shake her off. I looked up at Rick helplessly.

The expression on his face made my heart break. He was in shock and didn't move a muscle. He just stared at Jessie's body being eaten. My fear rose when I couldn't get away and Rick didn't help.

"Dad!" Carl yelled to snap him out of his daze. Rick's head snapped over at the sound of his son's voice. He ran forward and pulled out his hatchet. With a few, hard swings, he chopped her hand off. I felt her blood splatter up onto my own arm, and I cringed. I rubbed my bruising wrist and nodded my head towards Rick in thanks.

With the walkers distracted, it was a perfect opportunity to escape, but the click of a gun stopped me in my tracks. I swiftly turned around to see a very pale Ron pointing a gun at Rick. Carl quickly pushed me behind him. I protested and stood beside him. My side was closely pressed against his.

We were all silent, only the sound of our labored breathing could be heard over the sound of the walkers. We stood frozen, waiting for Ron to take the shot. But that didn't come until later. Michonne came out of nowhere and stabbed her sword directly through Ron's chest. As a reaction, his finger pulled the trigger. I watched Ron sink to the ground and out of the corner of my eye I saw Rick flinch.

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