Part 23

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Thea's PoV

      The next day I felt completely restless. I couldn't stand being cramped in my room for much longer. I had decided that today would be the day I ventured downstairs by myself to get some fresh air. Lord knows I needed it.

     While Carl was asleep, I slowly and quietly got out of bed. I tried my best to be cautious as not to disturb his slumber. I crept over to the door and wrapped my hand around the knob. I gently eased the door open, cringing at the squeaking that came from the aging hinges. My eyes stayed planted on Carl's sleeping form, searching for a any sign of him waking up. A sigh of relied escaped my lips when he didn't move. I hurried out of my room and shut the door softly.

     I carefully made my way downstairs, refraining from any sudden movements. I still had about a week until my stitches would dissolve, and I would be back to my normal self. At the bottom of the stairs, I made a right into the living room. My feet carried me to the front door that seemed to be beckoning to me. I yanked it open and took in a gulp of fresh air.

    A smile grew on my lips. It's felt like such a long time since I was outside. The tension I felt in my body slipped away as I took a seat on the porch steps. My eyes took in all the familiar faces that bustled about Alexandria. Everyone was going about business as usual, not caring about the absence of Rick and the group. Just the thought of him still being out there was enough to bring back my nerves.

    I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I needed a distraction, something to keep my wandering mind occupied. The only thing my brain could come up with was to count walkers in my head. Not sheep like a normal person would. I guess normal was now something rare here of late.

    I was on walker number 24 when I heard the unmistakable sound of the main gate screeching as it opened. My eyes snapped open. I focused my gaze towards the entrance, my heart racing. I grinned in utter joy when the large R.V. came into view. I stood up excitedly. I quickly walked back inside, towards the bottom of the stairs.

"Carl! They're back!" I shouted happily. I didn't wait for his response, I was already back outside. When the R.V. got close enough, it's loud engine was mixed with another. I furrowed my eyebrows in slight confusion. I strained my eyes to look around it and caught sight of none other than Daryl Dixon on his motorcycle.

    He parked his bike next to the R.V. that had finally came to a stop in front of the house. I stood there on the porch, waiting, hoping that everyone had made it back safely. While waiting, Carl finally joined me, but I payed him no attention. I held my breath and watched as they single filed stepped out of the vehicle.  The names that I have been running through my head non-stop went with the matching faces as they unloaded. I breathed a sigh of relief when all of them were accounted for. They all made it.

"You're late," I reprimanded Daryl who was walking his bike to his place. I walked down the steps to meet him before he got too far. I didn't want to stray to far from the house.

"Hey, Squirt. Sorry, we ran into some complications," he muttered. I tilted my head to the side.

"What kind of complications? Was someone hurt?"

"Maggie and Carol were captured. We were going to set up a fake trade, kill them once we had the two, but the girls beat us to it. They were all dead when we arrived. Took a number on the poor things," he explained. I frowned a bit.

"But they're okay? Especially Maggie?" He nodded and ruffled my hair. 

"They're fine. What are you doing out of bed?" he asked, his eyes involuntarily going to my stomach. I shrugged my shoulders.

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