Part 24

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Thea's PoV

     Carl and I were on patrol until sundown. When we were finished with our normal rounds, we took up posts up on the guard perch. We both relieved Maggie of watch duty and kept our minds busy by looking out onto the horizon, waiting for Daryl, Denise, and Rosita to return. 

    I stood on the platform, a hand resting softly against the gun holster on my hip. My eyes scanned over the vast scenery before me. I hadn't seen a single walker roaming around these walls in quite awhile. The sharp wooden sticks that we had protruding from the ground and the intricate barbed wire traps made sure that they couldn't get close without us knowing it. 

     A slight breeze ruffled my hair on my shoulders that I was too lazy to put up. I took in a big gulp of air, relishing in the sweet smell of summer. The faint smell of the woodlands invaded my nostrils, and I smiled. I felt the faint touch of Carl's hand brushing against my left hand that dangled freely at my side. I looked down, finally tearing my eyes away from the road. I sighed and turned slightly, I leaned down to press my forehead against his shoulder. My eyes closed and I tried to clear my head. 

    The distant sound of a vehicle's engine caused my head to snap to attention. Carl jumped at my sudden movement. I dropped his hand and gripped my pistol tightly. I stepped as close as I could to the platform without toppling over the edge. My eyes strained to see what vehicle the sound was coming from. 

    Coming down from a hill, I finally saw a truck. My heart leapt in happiness. It was the group of three returning. I turned back and grinned at Carl. He gave me an exasperated look. One of "I told you they were coming back. Stop worrying all the time." I rolled my eyes and made my way down the ladder. I hit the pavement, and went to the main gate. I slid the two of them open with ease, letting Daryl drive through. I waved to Rosita who sat in the bed of the truck. Her face was grim and she didn't acknowledge my presence. I waited for Daryl to stop, but he kept on driving. I frowned in confusion. I motioned for Carl to close the gates before I took off after the truck.

     Daryl didn't stop until he was as close as he could get to the graveyard. I stopped, a little out of breath, waiting for him to get out. Abraham stepped out first and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I wasn't expecting him to be back, especially with them. He turned back to the truck frantically, his arms outstretched. I walked forward to find him helping Eugene out. Eugene was clutching his side in pain. I could see blood seeping out from in between his fingers. Those two didn't spare me a glance as they made their way to the infirmary. 

       I was going to help, but I figured all I would do was get in the way. I walked to the other side of the truck. I found Daryl slumped forward, his head pressed against the steering wheel. I cautiously stepped forward and opened the door. He turned his head to see me and immediately sat up, running his hands over his face. 

"Go home, Thea," he told me gruffly. I shook my head.

"What happened. Where's Denise?" I asked, not seeing any sign of her. He sighed heavily and got out of the truck. He moved to the back where Rosita was just now jumping down and opening the hatch. I peered into the bed and gasped, slowly backing up. A hand flew over my mouth, muffling my heavy breathing. 

    Denise's body lay motionless, blood drying into harsh mats around the injury in her eye. I shook my head, tears already leaking down my cheeks. Carl came forward and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off quickly, walking forward to climb into the truck. I fell to my knees beside her body, careful of her limp body. I glanced over her entire body, my mind was racing. 

"Who did this?" I asked shakily. 

"The Saviors," Daryl answered. My fists clenched at my sides. Negan's men were still alive. That meant that he was still alive as well. Rick had failed his mission, and now this was the result. 

"Negan is still alive, and I'm not going to let him get away with this," I growled in anger. Daryl had a look of determination etched on his face. He nodded along in agreement. Carl and Rosita looked at both of us, worry crossing their features. I turned back around and bent down to grab Denise's feet. I used as much strength as I could muster to start dragging her.

"Hey hey hey, wait. Let us handle that. You're still not supposed to work yourself," Daryl demanded, him and Denise hopping into the truck with me. I reluctantly handed her over to Rosita. Carl helped me down from the truck. He wrapped a hand around my waist and pulled me into his chest. My anger ebbed as I breathed in his scent. I cracked a small smile.

"Why the hell are you wearing cologne?" I asked amused. I felt his chest vibrate when he chuckled. His shoulders moved up in down as he shrugged. I didn't get to his hear his answer because at that moment Daryl and Rosita had finally gotten Denise down. I removed myself from Carl's grip and walked beside them as they picked out an empty space to dig her grave. 

     I stood off to the side with my arms crossed as the three of them began to dig. Each of them forbade me to even get near a shovel. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for them to be finished so I could set her gravestone and say my final goodbye. 


       The next day, I slept in later than usual. I sat up groggily. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and headed into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I found my eyes still a little puffy from me crying over Denise. I was going to miss her a ton. Not only was she an asset, but she was my friend. She saved my life. I still have her handy work sewn into my stomach. I sighed at my reflection. I ran a brush through my hair before tying it up into a ponytail. 

        I got dressed and walked into the unusually quiet hallway. Usually I would hear someone downstairs, but it was totally silent. I crept down the stairs and found that no one was home. It was certainly odd. I slipped on my shoes and headed out the door. 

       Outside is where all the action was at. A crowd of people were gathered at the gates. I sped-walked over to them, spotting Carl and Maggie in the process. I stood beside them, completely confused. Everyone was talking amongst themselves. It was quite chaotic. 

"What's going on?" I asked, raising my voice, so I could be heard over the other loud voices. 

"Carol went missing. Daryl took off with Glenn,Michonne, and Rosita following.Then Rick and Morgan left to go after Carol," Maggie informed me. I frowned. 

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I asked frustrated. Carl grabbed my hand. 

"I didn't want to stress you out anymore. Not after Denise," he muttered. I sighed.

"What do we do now? With all of them gone?" I asked. Maggie shrugged.

"We sit tight. Wait for them to come back. No one else leaves," she told me. 

"I'm cutting Maggie's hair. You should come join us," Enid's voice chimed in. I turned and found her pushing though some people to stand with us. I smiled faintly at her. She's definitely changed a lot in the past couple of months. I felt like she's really grown now that she spends most of her time with Maggie and isn't under constant supervision from Ron and Deanna. I nodded my head in acceptance of the plan. 

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