Part 17

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~~~~Another Month Timeskip: Episode Time~~~~~~~

Thea's PoV

      I woke up early today. Today was the day Rick and Daryl were leaving to go on the first run since the incident two months ago. I wanted to catch Daryl before he and Rick left.

       I went downstairs after changing and Rick in the living room with Judith. He was putting on his belt and gun holster while staring at a picture of his son and daughter smiling happily.

"Already to go?" I asked. He turned around with a smile on his face.

"Very." I laughed softly and played with Judith for a moment. At that time, Michonne stood in the door way with nothing but a robe on her body and a towel on her head. I rolled my eyes playfully and tuned her and Rick's banter about toothpaste out.

    Instead, I focused on the annoying thumping coming from the other room. I left Judith and stood to yell at Carl who was undoubtedly making the noise. Michonne beat me to it.

"Carl!" she said annoyed.

"What? Denise said it's PT." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't hear you. Come on out," Rick said loudly, even though we could all hear him plain as day. I smirked at Rick.

"What?".  I had to contain my laughter when the noise finally stopped, and Carl walked in to stand beside Michonne. 

"Denise says this is PT," Carl and Rick said at the same exact time. Rick had a sly smirk on his face.

"You heard me," Carl sighed with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah." Michonne laughed softly and looked over Carl's face.

"It's time to change your bandage, and I need to borrow some toothpaste," she told him. I took this as my cue to get going, knowing he wouldn't want me around when she is changing his bandage. I walked forward and took the ball from his hands.

"Thank you. I'll take this for now," I teased him and pecked him on the cheek. He huffed silently and kept the adorable frown on his face. I turned back to Rick.

"I'll be back in a little bit. I'm going to find Daryl before you guys leave,"  I announced. They all nodded.

"Okay, but I'm all out of toothpaste," I heard Carl tell her before I walked out the door. I wrinkled my noise  in disgust at the thought of Carl being out of toothpaste as well. What the hell was I going to clean my teeth with now? Oh god, I can't kiss Carl with our mouths being dirty. Now, I'm praying to whoever has power over this world that Rick and Daryl will find something that will clean my mouth. 

      I found Daryl in the middle of the street talking to Denise. I waited until they were finished talking to fully approach him. I gave a smile to Denise before she left and stood in front of him. He gave me a faint smile.

"You know, I don't think I'll ever understand women," he sighed. I tilted my head and gave him a quizzical look.

"Denise asked me to grab some soda for Tara, if we found any. For a surprise, I guess," he muttered in disbelief. I laughed softly, knowing no matter how much he complained, he was going to try his hardest to bring back her request. 

"I guess you'll just have to get a girlfriend to understand a bit better. Unless you're gay of course. Either way, I totally support you," I grinned teasingly. 

"I'm not gay," he quickly defended. I gave him a devious smile.

"How about Carol then? I think you guys would be cute together."  He looked at me in horror. Even behind his mask, I couldn't help but notice a tiny spark of hope. Maybe he liked her. Oh my god, Carol and Daryl together would be so bad ass. I burst into laughter as we walked back onto the porch of Rick's house. 

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