Part 4

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My trailer that I made for this story


Thea's PoV

      I just couldn't damper Carl's mood as he led me throughout the party to meet new people. I met several people of his group, but only a few stuck out for me to actually remember them. Carol, Glenn, Michonne, and Maggie. 

     I liked Carol right off the bat. She was playing Alexandria, and I totally respected that. I went along with her ploy, so she wouldn't get caught. I don't know what her plan was, but I wasn't going to be the one to ruin it. 

     Glenn is who I wish I was. He's smart, caring, brave, and full of hope. I gave up on hope a long time ago. 

    Maggie is a lot like Glenn. Which is probably why they're so good together. 

   Michonne I could tell has been through a lot. She had a sense of calm about her though. It was like she was seeing things for what they could be. She was letting go of the past. Something I'm trying so desperately to do. 

    The last person Carl took me to was a tall man with brown hair. He was holding the baby I'd seen Carl holding when he first got here. 

    Carl cleared his throat to get his attention. When he turned, I immediately recognized the similarities between him and Carl. 

"Um, dad, I wanted you to meet my new friend, Thea" Carl said with a nervous edge to his voice. His dad studied me carefully, before extending a hand out to me.  I tentatively reached out my own hand to shake his. 

"It's nice to meet you again, Thea. I'm Carl's dad, Rick. It's good to see you alive," he turned slightly so I could see the baby a little better. "This here is little Judith".  I smile at the two. 

"I'm glad to be here as well. I thought I was a goner after I lost you guys," I responded. He nodded.

"Are your parents here?" Rick asked. My face dropped and I turned my gaze to the floor. 

"Uh, no. I'm here by myself actually," I muttered quietly. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. If you ever need anything, just ask okay?" he told me. I looked up at him and put a smile on my face. 

"Thanks Rick."

      He nodded his head again, and Carl tugged at my arm. I followed him, but when I saw the direction he's pulling me in, I started to drag my feet.  He had to be taking me to the one person on this Earth I literally can not stand. Ron Anderson. Plus his girlfriend and another boy I didn't care enough about to remember his name. 

     When we got there, Ron greeted us like we've been friends for years. When that's clearly not the case. I shot him a distasteful look.

    "What's the matter with Thea, today?" he asked me in a babyish tone. I rolled my eyes and looked at Enid. Enid was like me in more ways than one.

    She smiled and turned away so Ron didn't see it. She knew I hated him.

"Same as usual. The end of the world, and of course you, the dumbest kid in the apocalypse," I said in a monotone voice. He gasped dramatically and placed a hand on his chest, over the spot where his heart is. 

"I'm hurt, Thea. I really am," he said, feigning sadness. I rolled my eyes at him again and laughed when Enid slapped the back of his head. Carl looked at all of us strangely. 

"Hey, man. How's it going. I see you've met Miss Sunshine," he got closer to Carl, "Not the best company," he said in a purposely loud whisper. He gave me a pointed look. He had no intention of keeping his jab at me a secret.

    Carl put on a obviously fake smile. I looked down to notice his fists were clenched at his side.  I think Enid noticed to. 

"Well, I'm sure she's better company than you," she said pulling Ron away.

"Are you okay?" I asked, turning to face Carl. He sighed.

"Does he always talk to you like that?" he questioned softly. I nodded. 

"Yea. That's just the way Ron is. He's a child and a dick. He just hasn't found someone to put him in his place yet," I explained to him. Carl shook his head. 

"This world has no more room for people like him, or anyone from Alexandria, really," he declared. I nodded in agreement.

"That's why I usually stick to myself here. Less trouble from him and the rest of the people," I sighed. Carl frowned. 

"You don't need to do that anymore. My dad is a good guy. He knows what you're going through. If you want, you could stay with us. We'll take you in, and you'll have people to rely on," he said firmly. I smiled faintly. 

"Thanks, Carl, but I can't. I'm not ready to get attached to people again. Not when I know the inevitable feeling of loss is creeping around the corner," I said sadly. Carl sighed and shook his head. He took in a deep breath, preparing for what he was going to say next.

"You know, that's exactly how I felt a couple of months ago. This evil man attacked our home and blew it up. He then almost beat my dad to death. I thought I lost everyone that day. It was just my dad and I, that I knew of. We made it to a abandoned house, and that's where we stayed. He went to bed one night and the next day he didn't wake up. I thought he was dead. At that time, I wish he had.

 "I yelled at him and blamed him for everything that had happened. I thought I would be just fine without him. So, I left him there on that couch and left. I almost died on my own. When I went back, I thought he had turned. When he slowly crawled from the couch, I didn't make a single move to kill him. I realized I'm nothing on my own. I would have let him tear me apart, because I had nothing without him. You need people, Thea. Yea, you may lose some, but at least you made their lives better before the end. That's what matters."

     Carl sounded so passionate about what he told me. 

     The information sunk in and I couldn't help but blink away the tears. If that was only a couple of months ago, I can't imagine what other things he has gone through. All the people he has lost. Yet, here he is, telling me all this. He's so strong and brave. It's like I'm seeing him in a whole new light. 

     Without thinking, I reached forward and pulled him into a hug. I squeezed him tightly to my body. He was tense, but soon hugged me back.

"Thanks, Carl. If Rick lets me, I'd be happy to join you guys," I whispered. He pulled back and gave me a cheeky grin. 

"I'll talk to him after the party. I'm sure when he hears what you're capable of, he won't refuse you," he said confidently. I laughed softly and his enthusiasm.  

    Then he stopped and stared at me intently. It caused me to stop laughing and look at him with a confused expression.


"You should laugh more often. It's a nice sound," he admitted. I shook my head at him.

"Not much reason to laugh anymore, but I'll keep it mind," I shrugged.

"Well then, it's my personal mission to make sure I'm the reason for your laughter," he declared.

      I couldn't help the wide smile that spread across my lips. It looks like I'm not getting rid of Carl Grimes any time soon.

Oddly, I was perfectly okay with that.

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