Part 6

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Thea's PoV

Carl's cheeks were a light pink when he pulled away and peeked out of the crack of the tree.

"We should go," I said softly. The walkers groans had faded away into the distance while Carl and I kissed.

Carl slipped out of the tree first, followed by me. Carl still gripped my hand tightly. He placed his hat back on his head and turned to face me, looking like he wanted to say something.

"We'll talk about this later, ok? When need to get back inside the walls first," I told him. He nodded and began to lead us back to Alexandria.

We walked hand-in-hand in silencce all the way back home. We only separated when we hopped the wall.

I looked around and saw people roaming the streets. Nothing has happened since we've been out. Good.

I took Carl to the dock; where I would usually spend my days. With Carl being around, it was like it had been forever since I sat down and relaxed here. We sat down together and overlooked the pond.

"Did you mean it?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Did I meant what?" I asked confused.

"That you're not afraid," he stated. I thought about it for a moment, before I shook my head.

"I was. I thought I wasn't ready, but you showed me otherwise. I'm not scared anymore," I declared. He smiled at me.

"Me neither," he agreed. I grinned.

I couldn't believe that this boy, who I had just me could change my life so drastically. Maybe I should have put up more of a fight, but something keeps telling me to run with it. Run with Carl Grimes. As I looked down at out joined hands a thought flashed through my mind, and I gasped. Carl gave me a worried look.

"What did your dad say? Am I in?" I rushed out. Carl chuckled and squeezed my hand.

"You're in. Did you expect anything else?" he smiled. I playfully punched his shoulder with my free hand.

"You don't want me to answer that," I replied. Carl rolled his eyes and me and leaned in to kiss me cheek. I blushed softly. It's the small things he does that always turn my stomach into knots.

"Hey, Thea. Can I ask you something crazy?" he asked nervously. I furrowed my eyebrows, but nodded my head anyways.

"Would you, um, maybe, want to be my girlfriend? I know we haven't known each other long bu-" I cut him off by quickly pressing my lips against his.

"Yes, Carl. I'll be your girlfriend. I think this will be good for us," I grinned. He smiled widely at my response. We fell into silence as I rested my head on his shoulder and stared peacefully out at the pond.

A few minutes later, Carol found us and informed Carl that Rick was looking for him. He reluctantly got up and left, promising me that he would see me later. I watched him leave and then looked up at Carol who still stood behind me.

"I wanted to thank you for making Carl happy. I haven't seen him smile like that for a long time. When he came home and asked Rick to let you in, we all agreed. If Carl trusts you, you were fine by us. Rick also informed us of you not having any parents. So, think of us as your second family," she informed me. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

"Thanks, Carol. I'll try my best to stick around to contribute to the group and keep Carl happy," I vowed. She nodded and patted my shoulder before walking off.

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