Part 10

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Thea's PoV

     When I woke up, night had already fallen. I stood from my comfortable spot on the couch and walked over to my large living room window. Moving the curtains out of the way, I looked around. In the distance, I saw a fire flickering and the shadows of many people gathered around. No doubt, that was the meeting. It had started.

     The thing that really caught me off guard was the walker that stumbled in front of my window. I didn't waste time thinking about how it got here; all I knew is that I had to get rid of it. I pulled out my dagger that I always kept in boot and charged outside. The walker turned it's attention to me, and the growling got louder. The walker's arms extended out to grab me and made its way as fast as it could to try and eat me.

     I gritted my teeth and decided to go in for the kill. I walked forward and ducked under it's arms. I kicked the monster in the shin to make it fall to the ground. I was to short to properly kill it. Once it was down, I stood over it and drove my knife into it's skull. A spurt of black blood came up and got on my clean shirt. I huffed in annoyance and cleaned my blade off.

     I decided to stay outside and patrol the area. I needed to make sure there were no more stray walkers that somehow made their way inside of Alexandria. I walked around the outskirts, looking into all the dark corners and crevices they could hide. To my surprise, I head multiple gunshots.

     I ran to the source of the sound and found a struggling Rick. He had a walker on top of him and couldn't seem to get in the right position to kill it. Lucky for him, I was here to save him. I pulled the walker off of him and quickly finished it off. He stood slowly and shakily. I looked him over and saw him covered in a ridiculous amount of blood.

"Please tell me you aren't bit," I pleaded hopefully. He shook his head, to busy regaining his breath to properly answer me. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked me breathlessly.

"Besides saving you, I saw one go by my house. I killed it and wanted to make sure there were no more around. Good thing I came looking. How did they get in?" I asked him, looking at the multiple dead walkers that littered the ground around us.

"I'll tell you when I tell everyone at the meeting. Follow me," he said bitterly. He grabbed the arm of the walker that I just killed and began dragging it behind him. I didn't want to question him.

     When we reached the large group of people, everyone froze and stared wide eyed at Rick. He dropped the body so every one could see it. He began one of his long, inspirational speeches and I stayed silent. I stood proud next to him though. I didn't have to know what he was going to say before hand to know I was going to agree with him. Rick has done everything right by me.

     Rick was still talking when Pete came barreling in with Michonne's sword. Pete looked pissed which caused Rick to quickly pull his gun out from his holster. He aimed it threateningly at Pete, daring him to do anything. Reg, Deanna's husband, was quick to intervene. He tried to reason with Pete to get him to calm down, but he wasn't having any of it. He was too far gone.

     Pete then did the unthinkable. He swung Michonne's sword and slashed Reg's throat. Being so close and the direction of the slice, I felt Reg's hot, sticky blood splatter onto my face and clothes. I flinched at the contact, but made no further movement as I watched Reg go down. Deanna ran forward and cradled him into her arms. They whispered their final, heartfelt words, before he went limp. With teared filled eyes, she slowly looked up at Rick.

"Do it, Rick," she said sternly, the last of her resolve slipping. Without a moments hesitation, Rick spun and swiftly shot Pete in the head. After the shot rang out, and he fell to the ground, three more people showed up to the meeting. Daryl, Aaron, and another man I had never seen before. Rick looked like he knew him though, judging by the expression on his face.

    The three must have saw the last few minutes of what had just happened. All of their faces had different emotions as they processed both the death of Reg and Pete. Me? I was both happy about the death of Pete and Daryl and Aaron's return. Aaron was one of the few Alexandrian's I could stand. Reg was one of them too and his death was uncalled for. He will be greatly missed by everyone. He made a huge impact on Alexandria and that will definitely not go unnoticed.


     After that ordeal, everyone dispersed to their homes. After the exchange between Deanna and Rick earlier, it was clear she wasn't going to kick him out. Which meant we would be staying here in Alexandria for a long time.

     I had asked Rick if I could stay the night at his house. He agreed, knowing he could trust me. Our relationship had definitely grown tonight. He would most likely be dead if it weren't for me. He knew where I stood on this place and the people. I was apart of his group, but after tonight, I felt like I truly could fit in.

     When we opened the door to his house we were greeted by a overly worried Carl. His worry turned frantic when he saw all the blood on Rick and I. After explaining what happened, he finally calmed down and let us get cleaned up. The feeling of a friends dried blood on my face was driving me crazy.

     Carl, being the amazing boyfriend he is, let me borrow some of his clothes to sleep in. I think he was just excited to see me in his clothes. Boys have a weird tendency to get turned on by their girlfriend wearing their clothes. It's something I will never understand.

     After setting some ground rules, Rick sent us off to bed. I was ridiculously grateful to finally sleep. Watching two people die, killing walkers, and saving a guy was really energy draining. Even with my nap earlier. I happily curled up next to Carl's warm body and closed my eyes. His presence was enough to lull me into a wonderful, dreamless sleep.



Ok a short, kind of anti climatic finale. But now we get into season 6 and things will definitely pick up. It was a crazy season after all.

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