Part 7

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Thea's PoV

    Carl and I had walked into the house to see several people gathered. I finally see Daryl up close for the first time of them being here. I knew he didn't know, but I smiled at him anyway. I wanted to talk to him later, to see if he knew anything about what happened to Merle. I wanted some closure, and I wanted to know the brother that Merle was so fond of. 

     I looked around at the other people. Besides Daryl there were Carol, Michonne, and Rick. I smiled at a newly shaved and dressed Rick. He looked good with a short beard. Both Rick and Michonne had new cop uniforms on. I shot Carl a confused look as we took a seat on the couch with Carol. The guy I hadn't met before gave me a curious look before turning his attention to Rick and Michonne; who explained their new jobs and what is now expected of the two. He glanced at Carl and I and grew more serious.

"If these people cant protect themselves or try anything...We'll take this place," he said seriously. We all nodded. I don't really know Rick, but I knew his group was plenty capable of taking over. They'd have no trouble. There were only a few experienced people here that could defend themselves. 

     Rick motioned for Carl to follow him into the other room. He got up instantly to follow. I watched him leave then looked at the other people in the room. Carol leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"That's Daryl," she informed me. I smiled and nodded. No one knew that I've actually seen him before. Since I didn't know him personally, I had Carl describe him for me. He described him as Rick's right hand man. They followed each other no matter what. But, as I looked over him, he looked hesitant. If he trusts Rick so much, why is he holding back now?

     My thoughts were interrupted by Michonne. 

"What happened to your eye?" she asked. My eyes widened again. I had completely forgotten about my injury from today's earlier event. I smiled sheepishly. 

"I got into a fight with Jessie's son, Ron, earlier. He came away much worse than me. I don't think I'll have to worry about him being a douche anymore," I told them. She smiled slightly. 

"What did you do to the poor boy?" she laughed.

"Well, I busted his lip, nose, and blackened an eye," I said triumphantly. I saw Daryl smirking in the corner where he was leaning against the wall. 

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Carol commented. I laughed slightly knowing that if she really wanted to, she could probably easily kill me. 

"Thanks guys, but it was nothing. He deserved it. I probably would have done more damage if Carl hadn't pulled me off of him," I sighed. When I looked around, they all had smiles on their faces. Well, except for Daryl. I had a feeling he didn't smile much. I frowned slightly and directed my attention to him.

"My name's Thea, if anyone hasn't told you," I said. He nodded.

"I know who you are. You're the new girl that Rick let into the group. You're also Carl's new plaything," he said gruffly. I was a little taken aback. I was a little hurt at his comment. Was that how the group saw me? A charity case that Rick let in cause she was messing around with his son? Carol shot him a look, and his stature softened.

"I didn't mean it like that. It came out wrong. You seem like a cool kid. A girl who can hold her own," he corrected himself. I smiled half-heartedly. 

"Of course I can. Your brother taught me everything he knew. Merle taught me how to fight and survive. He talked about you a lot. What happened to him?" I asked him. He stared at me confused, with a hint of sadness.

"He's dead. He tried to kill the Governor, but he was killed first. I went after him and found him as a walker. Had to put him down myself," he said quietly. "How did you know him?" he asked.

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