Part 2

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Thea's PoV

After another hour of walking, we came to the edge of a little town. I stopped and crouched down to survey the area, all the while keeping the boy behind me. No matter what, I had to make sure this kid made it back to Alexandria. Not for my sake, but for his groups. Great, now he's a liability.

The place had a few biters roaming about, but nothing serious if we were careful. I only needed to make one stop. In and out. I was lost in thought, trying to figure out the best route to my destination without getting us killed when I was startled by the boy next to me.

"My name's Carl Grimes, by the way" he said nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes and nodded. I didn't need to know his name. I had no intention of talking to him once I got him back to Alexandria in one piece. "Aren't you going to tell me yours?".

I stared at him like he just murdered my family. Apparently the kid didn't get my obvious hints that I didn't want to talk or be with him.

"Not a chance, Cowboy", I said flicking his hat. "Now stay behind me and let's go." He frowned and didn't budge. I groaned and ran a hand over my face.

"Look, there's a lot of them down there, but if you follow my lead, we won't get killed. I don't feel like dying today," I said, forcing a smile. "But, if something does happen, you leave. You leave me behind and you get back to Alexandria. You have a group that will be wondering where you are. I don't. That's my only request."

Many emotions crossed Carl's face as he processed my words. Eventually he nodded, biting his lip. I gave him a curt nod and headed down the hill into the town. We stuck to the shadows as we quietly made our way to a small little shop on the outskirts. Hopefully it wasn't all picked over and I could come away with a nice haul.

To my delight, it was hardly touched. That may have had to do with the locked door and boarded up windows. With a little elbow grease, Carl and I managed to get in. l shut the door and drew my knife.

"Yell if you need help," I told him. He nodded in response.

"Back at you. Just try not to get bit. Group or not, I'm not letting someone die on my watch".

"Good thing I'm not under your watch, then" I sighed, but I couldn't help the smile that found it's way onto my lips.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Cowboy. It'd look bad if I died in front of a stranger" I smirked. I heard him scoff as I turned away and make my way into the store. He quickly caught up to me and pretended to act interested in searching for useful items. I knew he couldn't stay quiet for long.

"When we make it out of here, you're telling me your name" he stated in a matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes at him yet again. I was about to respond when a groaning noise caught my attention. I shushed him and snuck my way to the back of the store.

What I found disgusted me. A lone biter hung from the ceiling by a rope around it's neck. I looked up at it and crossed my arms. I slowly shook my head at it's futile attempts to reach down and grab me. I felt Carl's presence beside me as I continued to stare.

"Should we kill it?" he asked. I shook my head. 

"This is the way they chose to go out. I guess they'll forever live with that consequence," I muttered bitterly. I turned away and walked down a canned food aisle, beginning to stuff my bag.

It didn't take very long to fill my bag to the top. I slung it back over my shoulders and walked to the front of the store. I knew it was time to get out of here.


Carl and I slipped out of the town and into the woods with ease. A few biters here and there were nothing. Carl, surprisingly, didn't utter a single word as we made our way back to Alexandria. I did feel a little bad for being so cold. I felt like I owed him something. I hated owing people. So I decided to repay him.

"Thea Lawley," I said, breaking our silence.

He looked over at me in confusion. "What?"

"My name. It's Thea" I smiled softly. He grinned at my response.

"It's nice to meet you, Thea". I nodded my head. I wish I could say it back. His company hasn't been the worst I've had. But it's best if I keep to myself. It's better that way. Less loss to deal with.

About halfway back to Alexandria, the bag on my shoulders began to dig uncomfortably into my skin. No amount of moving it around helped. I sighed in frustration and did my best to try and ignore it.

Suddenly, the weight was lifted from my shoulders...literally. I looked to see Carl carefully taking my bag off of me and slinging it on his own shoulders. I smiled gratefully up at him and continued walking.


When we finally reached the wall, I climbed up first. I wanted to make sure no one was around to see us sneak back in. After discovering that no one was around, I motioned for him to follow me.

After successfully landing on the other side, we stood there awkwardly. Not sure what to do now. I cleared my throat after a few moments,

"Um, thanks for your help today. Although it was unasked for. You should get back to your house. Your group is probably wondering where you are." I stepped closer to him and took my bag back. He slowly nodded his head.

"I guess you're right. I'll see you around, Thea" he smiled and walked off quickly. "Oh, and be more careful out there. Lone walkers are easy, but get a group of them..." he trailed off, shaking his head. He gave a small wave and walked off. 

 Walkers. It was a different term that I hadn't heard. I liked it. I shrugged my shoulders and waited for him to disappear around a corner before turning and making my way back to my own home.

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