Part 12

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Thea's PoV

     It was mid morning, and everyone that was going to help with the wall gathered by the gate. I stood in between Carl and Glenn as we listened to Rick go over a few safety precautions. After that, we headed out.


       By the time evening came around, I was exhausted. We've been working non stop in the horrid heat all day. My only relief came from the small cups of water that Carol occasionally brought around. I was shoveling another pile of dirt, ready to pass out when I heard a commotion. I turned my head and my eyes widened. A few walkers were stumbling out of the woods. All the noise from people working must have attracted them.

      The threat of them immediately snapped me out of my tiredness. The adrenaline that now coursed through my veins was enough to have me running over with my knife drawn. It didn't take long for Carl and the other group members to be by my side. As we reached Rick, he held out a hand for all of us to stop.

"Let them handle this. They need to learn," he said, gesturing to the few Alexandrians that stared at the walkers with fear in their eyes. I did as he said and lowered my weapon. Although, I think Carl and I were the only ones that agreed with him. Morgan and Michonne had their weapons at the ready; their bodies were tense, and ready for action.

      When the walkers got into range, a man stood in front with a shovel at the ready. He was to afraid, though. With no experience, he had no idea what to. He totally freaked. This caused the people behind him to follow his example. They tried to flee, but the walkers were on top of them at this point.

      That's when Morgan and Michonne intervened. I heard Rick growl underneath his breath as he watched the two take out the walkers. I glanced at Carl, and he was shaking his head. He put away his knife and grabbed my hand. He then moved to stand proudly by his father. Carl and I both agreed with Rick, and we were all about to let them have a piece of our mind. These people needed to learn, and hopefully this experience will make them finally realize that we're right.


      After that mishap, we only stayed for another hour before Rick called it a night. Carl and I immediately hit the shower once we got back. Not together, of course. I was too tired to go back to my own home, so Carl gave me another set of his clothes to wear. My shower and his clothes felt like a blessing. Once I hit Carl's bed, I fell right to sleep. The exhaustion completely overtaking my body.

     In the morning, I didn't want to even think about getting out of bed. Carl had to practically pull me up. I lazily stood and slowly went through my morning routine. Which was a lot harder with aching muscles. When I was finished, Carl beamed at me.

"Why are you so happy this morning?" I asked aggravated. I was not a morning person to begin with; add a sore body and you're in for an unpleasant surprise. He stepped closer to me and brushed his hand near the edge of my left eye.

"Your bruise is practically gone," he whispered. I raised my hand and placed it over his. I had almost completely forgotten about my black eye that Ron had given me.

"Good. I don't a trace left of what Ron did," I said bitterly. He chuckled softly.

"Me too," he agreed. Then there was a knock on the door.

"You guys ready to go?" Michonne asked from the other side. I audibly groaned. I was now regretting ever volunteering to help build the wall. Carl laughed at me and dragged me out of his room.

     Today passed just like yesterday. This time, thankfully, we got the wall finished. Tomorrow, the actual mission would begin. Rick kept the people who were going back, and the rest of us were allowed to go home.

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