Part 13

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Thea's Pov

        A lot of people had died today. These people, Wolves are what they called themselves, killed dozens of innocent people for sport. As I looked over the blood spattered street, I could tell they had no motive to come and attack us. I gripped my gun tighter at the thought of these people coming in and slaughtering us like cattle. Carl walked beside me, covering his nose in disgust.

       Not only were they killing, they were torturing. The corpses were mangled with multiple limbs hacked off of their bodies. They lied strewn around the area. Several with the murder weapon still inside of them. The Alexandrian body count was far higher than the Wolves'.

      As we walked, we passed Michonne talking to Maggie. My heart lifted the tiniest bit. If Michonne was back already, then the others were too. Then my heart plummeted again when I heard their conversation.

"He said he was going to send a signal. Maybe he just got caught up and had to lay low. It was a large herd. I'm sure he's fine," Michonne was telling her. I looked at Maggie's face. It was tense and full of hidden sadness. That's when I realized who Michonne was talking about.

Glenn didn't make it back.

      I felt myself getting choked up, but I swallowed it down. My throat began to hurt from holding my tears back. I had to be strong and supportive. For Maggie's sake. I shook my head and tugged on Carl's arm, urging him forward.

"Do you think my dad is okay?" I heard him ask suddenly. His voice was trembling. I stopped abruptly in my tracks and turned to face him.

"There's not a doubt in my mind. He's smart, and he's strong. He's a survivor. He'll come back. He has to. Rick's got too many things left to do in this world," I stated. Carl had a new hopeful look in his eyes. Maybe my words helped him more than I thought they would.

"Glenn will make it back too," he said more confidently. I nodded my head with a faint smile. He pulled me into a comforting hug. I rested my head on his chest and felt him kiss the top of my head. I closed my eyes, trying to forget about what happened throughout the last hour. It was hard when the stench of blood filled my nose, and the sound of Aaron dragging all the bodies into a pile invaded my ears.

       All of a sudden, a demanding voice ripped through the air, shouting for the gate to be opened. My head shot up and noticed Michonne already sprinting to them. Carl and I quickly followed after her to see what was going on. When she opened them, I saw a sight that I wish I had never seen. Rick was running towards us, but he was being tailed by hundreds of walkers. I had never seen this many in one place before. I had no idea how I didn't hear them approaching.

      Rick ran past us, and Michonne hurriedly closed the gate. Rick stopped and bent down to catch his breath. He must have been running for quite some time. When he stood, he gave a smile to Carl, and an affectionate pat on the shoulder. I could see it in his eyes that he was ecstatic his father had returned safely. Not only that, but the fear he tried to mask. Alexandria was completely surrounded by walkers. What were we going to do now?

       The following day was horrible. The constant sound of death trying to get in was terrifying. It also didn't help that Ron was now on Carl and I's cases, blaming us for Enid's disappearance. Carl and Ron even got into a fight about the matter. Although for the first, and probably last time, I was on Ron's side.

      Carl wasn't thinking straight. He wanted to go beyond the walls and look for her. I was definitely not okay with that. Luckily, Ron pulled a dick move and threatened to tell Rick. Carl stormed away from us after that. I shot Ron a small glare before following after him. I tried to talk to him, but he completely ignored me. 

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